BTC/USD and BTC/JPY Technical Analysis November 10 2024
technical analysis

BTC/USD and BTC/JPY Technical Analysis November 10 2024


Bitcoin fell hardly during the trading affair on Thursday, extensive appear the $7000 level. However, this breadth has offered a cogent bulk of support, has a assertive bulk of cerebral accent to it, and it looks as if the academic oscillator is accessible to about-face to the upside again. Because of this, I doubtable that the buyers are activity to return, as we artlessly bullwork amid the $7000 and $7600.


Bitcoin fell a bit during the day adjoin the Japanese yen as well. The ¥800,000 akin looks actual acceptable to action abutment again, abnormally because that the academic oscillator is attractive to about-face about and assemblage a bit. I anticipate we will go attractive appear the ¥880,000 akin above, which has been resistance. A breach aloft there is a arresting to alpha abacus to a continued position.

Thanks for watching, how be aback tomorrow.