BTC/USD and BTC/JPY Technical Analysis October 16 2024
technical analysis

BTC/USD and BTC/JPY Technical Analysis October 16 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hello and acceptable to News BTCs Market Outlook October 16


The Bitcoin markets rallied during the day afterwards initially falling on Friday as chat got out that Chinese regulators may be reconsidering the ban on crypto bill exchanges. Because of this, we are now testing the 5800 level. It’s accessible that we are activity to abide to go higher, and concise pullbacks should be affairs opportunities based aloft any blazon of admiring action. Looks like were to go aggravating to ability appear the $6000 level.


Bitcoin was blatant during the affair on Friday, but ultimately accomplished appear the ¥650,000 level. Ultimately, this is a bazaar that should abide to go higher, conceivably appear the ¥700,000 akin over the best term. I accept that concise pullbacks are affairs opportunities, and that the ¥600,000 akin beneath should be a bit of a floor.

Thanks for watching, I’ll be aback tomorrow.