Crypto Market Update: Bitcoin Cash, Tron (TRX), ADA, IOTA Price Analysis
technical analysis

Crypto Market Update: Bitcoin Cash, Tron (TRX), ADA, IOTA Price Analysis

THELOGICALINDIAN - The crypto bazaar is beneath a lot of affairs burden boring bitcoin BTC and Ethereum beneath key supports Moreover ripple Litecoin LTC Tron TRX IOTA and Cardano ADA additionally fell significantly

Bitcoin Cash Price Analysis

Bitcoin banknote amount started a aloft downside move from able-bodied aloft the $160 support. BCH/USD bankrupt the $150 and $140 abutment to access a bearish zone. Recently, sellers pushed the amount beneath the $130 abutment and pushed it appear the $120 support.

The amount is currently accumulation losses abreast $125, with an actual attrition at $130. The capital hurdle is abreast $135 and $140 levels, aloft which the amount could analysis $150. On the downside, beneath $120, the amount may analysis $100.

Tron (TRX), ADA and IOTA Price Analysis

Tron amount remained a strong advancement move this accomplished week, but the contempo abatement in BTC and ETH abject it lower. TRX amount afresh beneath beneath the $0.0280 and $0.0250 abutment levels. The abutting key abutment is at $0.0220 area buyers may emerge.

Cardano amount aloof from the $0.0500 attrition and beneath beneath $0.0450. ADA is now abutting the $0.0400 support, which is acceptable to aftermath a abbreviate appellation bounce.

IOTA (MIOTA) came beneath a lot of burden and it afresh beneath beneath the $0.3200 and $0.3000 abutment levels. The amount is bottomward about 7% and it seems like sellers may advance it appear the $0.2800 support.


Looking at the absolute cryptocurrency bazaar cap alternate chart, there was a aciculate bearish about-face from able-bodied aloft the $135.00B level. The bazaar cap bankrupt the $130.00B and $120.00B abutment levels to access a bearish zone. It afresh bankrupt the $115.00B abutment and activated the $112.30B level. If there is an upside correction, the antecedent supports at $118.00B and $120.00B may act as hurdles for buyers. Therefore, upsides in bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, ripple, litecoin, BCH, ICX, EOS, XLM, and added altcoins are acceptable to abide capped.