Crypto Market Update: Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash, Tron (TRX), XLM Price Analysis
technical analysis

Crypto Market Update: Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash, Tron (TRX), XLM Price Analysis

THELOGICALINDIAN - The crypto bazaar bootless to accretion drive consistent in a beginning bead in bitcoin BTC Ethereum ETH and ripple Other altcoins like litecoin bitcoin banknote and arch additionally continued losses

Bitcoin Cash Price Analysis

Bitcoin banknote amount traded aloft the $116 attrition afresh adjoin the US Dollar. However, BCH/USD bootless to breach the $120 attrition and after started a beginning decline. The amount beneath beneath the $116 and $115 abutment levels to move aback in a bearish zone.

Going forward, there could be added losses beneath $112 and the amount may alike retest the $110 abutment akin in the abreast term.

Litecoin (LTC), Tron (TRX) and Stellar (XLM) Price Analysis

Litecoin amount fabricated addition attack to bright the $33.00 and $34.00 attrition levels. However, LTC bootless to accretion drive aloft $33.00 and beneath beneath $32.00. The amount is currently trading abreast the $31.00 akin and it could anon analysis the $30.00 abutment afore a beginning advancement move.

Tron amount failed to authority gains aloft the $0.0275 akin and after declines. TRX traded beneath the $0.0270 and $0.0265 abutment levels. The amount is now trading beneath $0.0260 and it may conceivably analysis the $0.0242 abutment zone.

Stellar amount started a above downside move afterwards it bankrupt the key $0.1000 abutment level. XLM beneath beneath the $0.0900 abutment and it afresh activated the $0.0800 support. If there are added losses, the amount may analysis the $0.0750 level.

Crypto Market Cap, bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, litecoin, ripple, XLM, BCH, ADA, TRX

Looking at the absolute cryptocurrency bazaar cap alternate chart, there was a aciculate bearish acknowledgment beneath the $112.00B and $110.00B abutment levels. The bazaar cap activated the $108.00B abutment and it is currently accumulation losses. However, there is a accident of added losses beneath the $108.00B and $107.00B levels. Therefore, bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, litecoin, ripple, XLM, BCH, ADA, TRX and added altcoins abide at a accident of added losses.