Dash Price Technical Analysis – Upside Reaction
technical analysis

Dash Price Technical Analysis – Upside Reaction


A above trend band formed on the alternate blueprint of Dash price, which is acceptable to act as a agitator for buyers for an upside reaction.

Retest of 0.0127BTC

Dash sellers bootless miserably to breach an important abutment at 0.0120BTC, which was declared as a above barrier in one of the antecedent analyses. Moreover, the 100 alternate simple affective boilerplate was additionally positioned about the mentioned breadth to advice buyers. Now, there is a bullish trend band formed, which is affective forth with the 100 MA at 0.0122BTC. The mentioned akin coincides with the 38.2% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost leg from 0.0114BTC to 0.0127BTC. In short, there is a acute abutment architecture about 0.0122BTC that can be apparent as a affairs zone.


If the amount moves lower from the accepted levels, again sellers are acceptable to attempt about the accent affairs zone. Both, the alternate RSI and the MACD are in the absolute zone, as the aboriginal one is aloft the 50 akin and the closing one is ambience up for a beyond bullish wave.

On the upside, the best important attrition lies at 0.0127BTC, which is the aftermost beat high. A breach aloft the aforementioned could set the Dash amount for a analysis of 0.0130BTC.

Intraday Support Level – 0.0122BTC

Intraday Resistance Level – 0.0127BTC

Overall, blockage bullish is a acceptable idea, as there are abounding abutment areas formed on the downside, and it won’t be accessible for sellers to booty the amount lower. A breach beneath the 100 MA ability about-face the bent to bullish.


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