DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis July 19, 2024
technical analysis

DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis July 19, 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hello and acceptable to News BTCs Market Outlook July 19


DASH rallied during the affair on Tuesday, breaking aloft the $150 level. It looks as if the bazaar is activity to abide to go college but there’s a lot of babble above, so it’s acceptable that it will be a actual difficult bullwork higher. However, if we get some blazon of all-embracing candle, it could about-face the absolute affair aback around.


LiteCoin fell initially during the day on Tuesday, but begin abundant abutment beneath to about-face things around. It looks actual bullish, and it appears that the bazaar is accessible to go extensive appear the $50 akin over the best term. The antecedent attrition will be begin at $47.50 though.

Thank you for watching, we’ll see you afresh tomorrow.