DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis June 28, 2024
technical analysis

DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis June 28, 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hello and acceptable to News BTCs Market Outlook June 28


DASH went aback and alternating during the day on Tuesday, as we abide to hover about the $160 level. The $150 akin beneath continues to action support, so some blazon of a admiring candle should abide to be a nice affairs opportunity. That breadth that is massive abutment as far as I can see, so I’m attractive for an befalling to buy afterpiece to that level.


LiteCoin fell decidedly during the day on Tuesday, extensive appear the $35 handle. This is an breadth area I would like to see some blazon of abutment and conceivably a about-face around, and I anticipate that the absolute area runs bottomward to the $32.50 level, so any blazon of animation or admiring candle is a nice affairs opportunity. A breakdown beneath the $32.50 akin gives us an befalling to alpha shorting.

Thanks for watching, see you afresh tomorrow.