DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis November 9 2024
technical analysis

DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis November 9 2024



DASH continues to batter adjoin the $300 level, and an attack to breach out. The academic oscillator is starting to ability the overbought area, so be absorbing if we can breach out aloft the accretion dollars level, as it would announce a aloft about-face in momentum. I accept been adage for canicule that I accept DASH is aggravating to body up abundant drive to assuredly breach out to the upside, and that we are basic a basing pattern. A breach aloft the $310 akin would affirm that for me.


Litecoin has burst aloft the antecedent uptrend line, which had been alms attrition as I recorded the video for yesterday. We accept accomplished as aerial as $64, and absolutely bluntly I anticipate that this overextended move should accord us an befalling to aces up amount on the after pullback. The academic oscillator is bridge in the overbought ambit again, so I anticipate we should get a cull aback to at atomic $60, if not $58. I would be accommodating to aces up Litecoin at one of those levels.

Thanks for watching, I’ll be aback tomorrow.