Ethereum Price Weekly Analysis: Can ETH/USD Break This?
technical analysis

Ethereum Price Weekly Analysis: Can ETH/USD Break This?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum amount is adverse a above attrition against the US Dollar and Bitcoin ETHUSD charge bright the 456 hurdle to analysis the abutting hurdle at 480

Ethereum Price Upside Hurdles

This accomplished week, there was a nasty decline from able-bodied aloft $450 in ETH amount adjoin the US Dollar. The ETH/USD brace confused and traded appear the $400 handle. A low was formed at $404.46 afore the amount started an upside correction. It bounced aback aloft $430 and austere the 23.6% fib retracement akin of the aftermost bead from the $549 aerial to $404 low.

However, the amount faced a acute attrition abreast the $456-460 zone. There is a monster bearish trend band formed with attrition abreast $456 on the 4-hours blueprint of ETH/USD. The aforementioned trend band is positioned abreast the antecedent abutment breadth at $460. Moreover, the 38.2% fib retracement akin of the aftermost bead from the $549 aerial to $404 low is additionally abreast $460. Therefore, a breach aloft the trend band and $456 attrition is bare for added gains. Aloft this, the next hurdle is abreast the 100 simple affective boilerplate (4-hours) and $480. Aloft $480, the amount will best acceptable bright the $500 attrition for added gains.

Ethereum Price Weekly Analysis ETH USD

The aloft chart indicates that the amount may acquisition it actual difficult to bright the $456-460 zone. If it fails to move higher, it could actual lower appear $440 and $430. Any added declines may conceivably put the amount aback in a bearish area appear $410.

4-hours MACD – The MACD is aback in the bullish zone.

4-hours RSI – The RSI is currently able-bodied aloft the 50 level.

Major Support Level – $430

Major Resistance Level – $456