Ethereum Price Weekly Forecast: ETH At Potentially Significant Turning Point
technical analysis

Ethereum Price Weekly Forecast: ETH At Potentially Significant Turning Point

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum amount is abutting a acute abutment breadth adjoin the US Dollar agnate to bitcoin ETH amount charge authority the 142 abutment to ascend appear 160

Ethereum Price Weekly Analysis

This accomplished week, Ethereum started a solid accretion aloft the $142 attrition breadth adjoin the US Dollar. Furthermore, ETH amount surpassed a above resistance breadth abreast the $150 level.

More importantly, there was a breach aloft a aloft bearish trend band with attrition abreast $152 on the 4-hours blueprint of ETH/USD. Besides, the brace surpassed the $155 attrition area, but it struggled to accretion drive aloft $158.

A beat aerial was formed abreast $158 and the amount remained able-bodied beneath the 100 simple affective boilerplate (4-hours). Ethereum is currently acclimation lower beneath the 23.6% Fib retracement akin of the advancement move from the $131 beat low to $158 high.

The amount is now abutting the burst trend band and the $145 abutment area. Additionally, the 50% Fib retracement akin of the advancement move from the $131 beat low to $158 aerial is abreast the $145 level.

The capital abutment is abreast the $142 area. It is abreast the 61.8% Fib retracement akin of the advancement move from the $131 beat low to $158 high. Therefore, a downside breach beneath the $142 abutment breadth could abate affairs of addition advancement move in the abreast term.

In the mentioned scenario, the amount is acceptable to revisit the $134 and $132 abutment levels. On the upside, the aboriginal key attrition is abreast the $152 level. The key attrition breadth is abreast the $158 and $160 levels.

Thus, a bright breach aloft the $160 akin and the 100 simple affective boilerplate (4-hours) may conceivably advance the amount aback into a absolute zone.

The aloft chart indicates that Ethereum amount is acutely abutting a brace of important supports abreast $145 and $142. As continued as the amount is aloft $142, it could animation back. If not, the bears are acceptable to aim $132 or $125.

Technical Indicators

4 hours MACD – The MACD for ETH/USD is currently accepting backbone in the bullish zone.

4 hours RSI – The RSI for ETH/USD is currently crumbling and it is abreast the 40 level.

Major Support Level – $142

Major Resistance Level – $160