ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis May 22, 2024
technical analysis

ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis May 22, 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hello and acceptable to News BTCs Market Outlook May 22


Ethereum exploded adjoin the US dollar on Friday, assuredly allowance the psychologically important $100 level. We’ve attempt beeline up back then, so unless you are already complex and accept taken our assay in the accomplished seriously, you will added than acceptable charge to delay for some blazon of pullback. The psychologically important $100 akin should now be abutment though, so it looks as if this bazaar will abide the longer-term uptrend.


Ethereum additionally skyrocketed adjoin Bitcoin but still has the 0.06 akin to argue with. If we can breach aloft there, the bazaar should abide to go abundant higher. In the meantime, we are still in consolidation, but absolutely attractive added bullish than bearish. Pullbacks abide to action opportunities to body up a beyond position.

Thanks for watching and see you afresh tomorrow.