ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis November 13 2024
technical analysis

ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis November 13 2024


Ethereum continues to chop about adjoin the US dollar, and is currently testing the $300 akin for support. It looks acceptable that we will acquisition abutment underneath, conceivably extending as low as $280. This pullback should be anticipation of as a abeyant affairs opportunity, as traders assume to be attractive at architecture longer-term and beyond positions. Overall, this should action amount for the longer-term investor.


Ethereum has rallied a bit afresh during the day adjoin Bitcoin, but absolutely bluntly there is abundant attrition abreast the 0.0475 handle to accept me cerebration about shorting. At the aboriginal signs of exhaustion, I am added than accommodating to get abbreviate of this bazaar and alpha aiming for the 0.04 akin underneath. It is not until we breach aloft the 0.05 akin that I would accede buying, as Bitcoin has been so able best term.

Thanks for watching, I’ll be aback tomorrow.