Cudos Partners With Liquid Staking Platform Persistence
press release

Cudos Partners With Liquid Staking Platform Persistence

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cudos and Persistence are abutting armament

Cudos is entering the aqueous staking game.

Cudos Partners With Persistence

Cudos’ new partner, Persistence, is a multi-asset agreement that focuses on staking-as-a-service (, aqueous staking (pSTAKE), non-fungible tokens (AssetMantle) and bolt (Comdex). The Persistence ecosystem articles are advised to activate all-around clamminess and accredit seamless amount exchange.

Persistence’s amount mainnet is a Proof-of-Stake alternation powered by the Tendermint Byzantine accountability altruism accord engine. Persistence’s multichain tech assemblage (currently acknowledging Cosmos, Ethereum, and added Tendermint-based chains) abstracts abroad the complexities for developers. It additionally enables them to actualize decentralized exchanges, marketplaces as able-bodied as lending and borrowing platforms, amid others.

Persistence has a ambit of backers such as Terra, Tendermint, Interchain, and LuneX, and has over 50 validators on its network. Last year, the aggregation aloft $3.7 actor from industry heavyweights to arch acceptable accounts and decentralized accounts via NFTs. For this reason, Cudos is assured in accepting a abounding affiliation with Persistence, and in particular, its validator arm— Rudraj Mehta, who works on action and business development at Persistence, said of the partnership:

“Cudos’ able Layer Two ascent band-aid to advance the advance of decentralized accretion by borer into bare accretion assets is a game-changer, and we are actual aflame to accompany the arrangement as a validator partner. We attending advanced to a continued and abounding affiliation as Cudos’ ecosystem grows in the advancing years.”

Nuno Pereira, carnality admiral of partnerships at Cudos, added:

“ is one of the best acclaimed staking-as-a-service providers. Their abutment is acutely important for Cudos and its network. is a accurate accepter in decentralization and offers one of the best infrastructures with aerial bombastic abstracts centers beyond assorted geo-locations, advanced aegis with assorted bouncer nodes to abate the accident of denial-of-service attacks, accumulated with a aggregation of aegis experts that advice accomplish 24/7 operations. makes the Cudos arrangement safer, stronger, and healthier, and we are aflame to accept their support.”, the validator arm of Persistence One, is a top-tier staking-as-a-service provider acknowledging several arch Proof-of-Stake networks. Our decentralized basement prioritizes both aegis and ability through bouncer nodes broadcast beyond assorted billow providers. currently supports added than 15 networks, with added than $300 actor in assets beneath delegation.

The Cudos Arrangement is a Layer One blockchain and Layer Two ciphering and answer arrangement that ensures decentralized, permissionless admission to high-performance accretion at calibration and enables ascent of accretion assets to 100,000 nodes. Once bridged assimilate Ethereum, Algorand, Polkadot, and Cosmos, Cudos will accredit scalable accretion and Layer Two oracles on all of the bridged blockchains.

For added information, amuse acquaintance Dan Edelstein at [email protected] or appointment the links below:

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