Litecoin Price TAfor 10/8/2024 – Short But With a Tight Stop!
technical analysis

Litecoin Price TAfor 10/8/2024 – Short But With a Tight Stop!

THELOGICALINDIAN - Litecoin avalanche 1 percent as Bitcoin continued its accelerate over the weekend Now at 3899 Litecoin is in a able declivity and amount advances can be acclimated to go abbreviate in the adverse with bound stops in place

Litecoin amount chart


Technical assay of the circadian LTC-USD amount blueprint conveys that cynicism still weighs on the cryptocurrency and acceptable profits may be fabricated on creating abbreviate positions at acutely low risks. But practicing the stop-losses is the key!

Litecoin Blueprint Structure – The amount blueprint conveys that Litecoin is trading in a lower top, lower basal anatomy (marked in the chart), area again attempts to aperture the attrition accept failed. As of now, the attrition is at $4.000.

Moving Average Convergence Divergence – The MACD has abutting the Histogram in the abrogating territory; MACD has a amount of -0.0567 and Histogram has a amount of -0.0887. The Signal Line is almost absolute at 0.0320.

Momentum – The Momentum indicator sustains its abrogating angle with a amount of -0.6814.

Money Flow Index – The MFI has connected with its bead to 33.9967.

Relative Strength Index – The RSI of 45.4395 is cogitating of the abiding weakness in Litecoin. It additionally indicates that the amount may breeze if some abrogating account hits the market.


Litecoin is abreast a actual important attrition akin from a near-term perspective, and therefore, it makes faculty to actualize abbreviate positions. Market participants should put in abode bound stop-losses aloft the mentioned attrition for a ambition of $3.700.

Since Bitcoin markets majorly affect Litecoin, traders charge clue the movement in the arch cryptocurrency as well.  Bitcoin may attestant accessory abbreviate accoutrement or consolidate at the current level, and therefore, it may anticipate a big abatement in Litecoin.

Create ablaze continued positions if the cryptocurrency break the bottomward attrition for a ambition of $4.300.