Ripple Price Analysis: XRP Signaling Bullish Continuation
technical analysis

Ripple Price Analysis: XRP Signaling Bullish Continuation

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ripple amount jumped aloft key attrition levels adjoin the US Dollar and bitcoin XRPUSD is now trading with a absolute bent and it could abide to acceleration appear 03300 and 03400

Ripple Price Analysis

After a solid advancement move in Ethereum and bitcoin, ripple amount assuredly acquired absorption aloft $0.3050 adjoin the US Dollar. The XRP/USD brace started a appropriate uptrend and bankrupt the $0.3000 and $0.3060 attrition levels. The brace confused into a bullish area aloft the $0.3100 attrition and the 100 alternate simple affective average. Buyers took ascendancy aloft the $0.3100 level, consistent in assets aloft the $0.3150 and $0.3200 attrition levels. The amount traded abutting to the $0.3300 attrition and a new account aerial was formed at $0.3292.

Later, there was a aciculate downside alteration beneath $0.3260 and $0.3240. Besides, there was a breach beneath the 23.6% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost beachcomber from the $0.3052 low to $0.3292 high. The abatement was such that the amount activated the $0.3160 abutment area. An actual abutment is abreast the $0.3150-0.3160 zone. It represents the 50% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost beachcomber from the $0.3052 low to $0.3292 high. More importantly, there is a key bullish trend band formed with abutment abreast $0.3140 on the alternate blueprint of the XRP/USD pair.

Therefore, buyers are acceptable to booty a angle abreast the $0.3160 and $0.3150 levels. If there are added declines, the amount could analysis the $0.3110 support. It coincides with the 76.4% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost beachcomber from the $0.3052 low to $0.3292 high. The mains abutment is abreast the $0.3095-0.3100 area (the antecedent resistance). To the topside, an antecedent attrition is at $0.3220, aloft which the amount may acceleration appear $0.3260.

Ripple Price Analysis XRP Chart

Looking at the chart, ripple amount acutely confused into a bullish area aloft $0.3100. However, buyers charge to assure declines beneath $0.3100. If they fail, the amount ability move aback in a bearish area to $0.3000. This week, buyers could ambition the $0.3400 and $0.3500 attrition levels as continued as the amount is aloft $0.3095.

Technical Indicators

Hourly MACD – The MACD for XRP/USD aloof confused into the bearish zone.

Hourly RSI (Relative Strength Index) – The RSI for XRP/USD is acclimation lower appear the 50 level.

Major Support Level – $0.3100

Major Resistance Level – $0.3260