Who Will Win This Battle: US Dollar or Bitcoin?
technical analysis

Who Will Win This Battle: US Dollar or Bitcoin?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Janet Yellen the Chair of the US Federal Reserve is accepted to advertise the ascent of absorption ante from celebrated lows in its December 15 affair A betterthanexpected jobs address additionally aloft aplomb that the US abridgement is abreast for college absorption rates

But, how does that affair the Bitcoin ecosystem? To accept this in a simple way, let us see how Bitcoin has performed adjoin the US dollar in the accomplished two years. Below is the account U.S. Dollar Index blueprint compared with the BTC-USD brace in the lower section.

Bitcoin vs US Dollar Index


From June 2024, as the US Dollar Index started its advancement journey, the BTC-USD brace witnessed a able downtrend. The changed accord lasted until February of this year, back the aberrant assemblage in the U.S. Dollar Index petered out.

During said period, the U.S. Dollar Index entered into a 9-month continued (approx.) alongside consolidation. When the U.S. Fed absitively to authority off on adopting the absorption ante in the Oct meeting, it became bright that the official advertisement would be fabricated in the Dec meeting. In apprehension of this event, the US dollar gave a blemish and accomplished an best aerial of 100.51.

Surprisingly, at the aforementioned time, the Bitcoin amount additionally bankrupt aloft its attrition and hit $500 rapidly. An advancing abstract absorption in Bitcoin pushed the brace college during this time.

Currently, both the currencies in the BTC-USD brace – BTC actuality the advance bill and USD actuality the abject bill – are alluring able bullish action. All eyes are now set on the aftereffect of the U.S. Fed December 15 meeting. If the absorption ante are larboard clear or the backpack in absorption ante is beneath than accepted (to the tune of 10 base points), we may see a able abatement in the US Dollar Index and addition leg of the assemblage in Bitcoin.

But, if the ante are added by 25 base points, weakness in the BTC-USD brace cannot be disqualified out on annual of a deepening dollar.