The Segregated Witness Concept: A 'Turning Point' for Bitcoin?

The Segregated Witness Concept: A 'Turning Point' for Bitcoin?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Theres been absolutely a bit of altercation apropos the block admeasurement agitation afresh with the contempo Scaling Bitcoin accident in Hong Kong Many BIP proposals and concepts were brought to the publics eye by a few engineers alive on Bitcoins cipher One of the account alleged Segregated Witness was brought to the table at the appointment by developer Pieter Wuille and seems to accept sparked a new altercation aural the community

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Proposing the Segregated Witness Concept

Day two of the Hong Kong Scaling Workshop alien Peter Wuille’s affair on scalability with a new idea. The presentation alleged “segregated- witness-and-its-impact-on scalability” (SegWitness) is a apparatus that acts as an eyewitness for transaction signatures aural the blockchains entries. Signatures act as “witnesses” by acceding tx outputs from the aboriginal owners.

The abstraction abaft this is to backpack the attestant inputs abroad from transaction assortment by creating its own alone tree. This agency that abounding nodes will validate tx abstracts blocks but with the signature abstracts separately. Light audience will skip the afar abstracts access entirely. Wuille states in his presentation that currently there exists a apparatus that validates these signatures application checkpoints. He again gain to explain that bodies would like to cease this action saying, “we appetite to bemoan that soon, but the aftereffect will still be that we’re not acceptance all signatures from years ago in abysmal history.”

Slide1Slide2Integrating SegWitness doesn’t necessarily lighten the blockchain load, but rather partitions it so it can be handled added smoothly. It can be akin to affective to a new accompaniment and hiring a aggregation to advice allay your travels. You booty your best admired backing with you on your cruise while the affective business takes a few things you don’t necessarily need, but about you still appetite to keep. In the Bitcoin world, the abstraction is agnate to this affinity and, in turn, may accomplish a few things accessible throughout the network.

Wuille also asked the Hong Kong attendees if bodies accept it would “be nice to bead the signatures?” This is currently not accessible because signatures are included aural the transaction hash. You cannot annul this agreement from the transaction, admitting Wuille implies that it can be apparent as “special” in a abstracted designation.

“one way to do this is change the merkle timberline that blocks accept to accomplish to the transaction IDs, into alternate timberline area one ancillary refers to the transaction IDs after the signatures, and again there’s a additional tree, absolutely constructed, in the aforementioned way, but it contains the hashes after the signatures,” he explains. 

slide3slide4One achievability is the SegWitness could possibly barrier acquiescence attacks and maybe alike accomplish the botheration nonexistent. Now with the “witness aegis program,” fractional nodes can bigger participate as simplified acquittal verification. It additionally opens up the doors of initiating artifice proofs that are cogent to account like the lightning network. With this added affection a complete lightning approach can be activated to the Bitcoin blockchain and after atone for complete on-chain transactions.

Wuille addendum that this new aspect of appearance the signature broadcast doesn’t annul the action but alone runs it alongside the action of transacting. He says:


The assessment apropos SegWitness in the community’s eyes seems to be aback and forth. Some accept it’s a abundant abstraction and can add abounding possibilities to the arrangement abnormally apropos ancillary alternation applications. Meanwhile Wuille feels this produces a “far-more scalable full-node or partial-full-node model,” although this comes with a aegis tradeoff that some may not accede with. However, it’s an accession that could accredit a soft-fork as against to a adamantine angle aural the client.


With an accomplishing of SegWitness users can download the blockchain and verify affairs after downloading as abundant data. The plan is already planned in the ancillary chains alpha and could possibly acquiesce beyond abstracts and up the block admeasurement to 2mb blocks. If SegWitness is not implemented, it is believed that a 2mb admeasurement is a adequately safe access for the arrangement to test.

What do you anticipate about this absolute attestant concept? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Peter Wuilles Slide Presentation, and Redmemes