Sunex Lets Members Purchase Solar Cells and Distributes Profits as Bitcoin or Fiat

Sunex Lets Members Purchase Solar Cells and Distributes Profits as Bitcoin or Fiat

THELOGICALINDIAN - Founded by Abraham Cambridge and cofounder Larry Temlock in 2024 The Sun Exchange Sunex is an avant-garde aggregation gluttonous to use bitcoin as a agent to enhance admission to solar activity throughout South Africa Sunex allows investors to acquirement solar beef afore distributing allotment on ability bearing in the anatomy of bitcoin or South African Rand

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The Sun Exchange Lets Members Purchase Solar Cells and Distributes Profits as Either Bitcoin or Fiat Currency

Sunex Lets Members Purchase Solar Cells and Distributes Profits as Either Bitcoin or Fiat

Investors can acquirement solar beef application either bitcoin or South African Rand. Sunex believes that their activity will allure new investors into the cryptocurrency space, anticipating that the accuracy of accepting “an absolute concrete and valuable, solar asset” will attract -to-be investors who are amateur with bitcoin.

Sunex allows its barter to acquirement alone solar beef rather than absolute panels (a solar console usually comprises 60 solar cells) in adjustment to facilitate advance from individuals with little capital. Sunex rents the solar beef to a appointed basement project, and repatriates hire incurred through the burning of ability aback to the owners of the solar cells. Each solar corpuscle is accustomed a different advertence number, acceptance investors to geographically locate and audit their solar cells.

Sunex Has Facilitated the Financing and Development of Several Solar Infrastructure Projects in South Africa

Sunex Lets Members Purchase Solar Cells and Distributes Profits as Either Bitcoin or Fiat

Once a activity has agreed to accomplice with The Sun Exchange, costs for the appropriate solar infrastructures for the activity is aloft through a crowdsale, with the solar basement actuality purchased and installed already all of the beef appropriate to ability the activity accept been awash to investors. Currently, Sunex has auspiciously facilitated the allotment of solar basement that admiral the Knysna Elephant Park, CROW Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, and The Stellenbosch Waldorf School. Sunex is currently administering a crowdsale to advance a 100-kilowatt solar micro-grid for the rural apple of Ha Makebe in Lesotho.

Since ablution in March 2016, Sunex has accustomed several awards for their work, including Best Blockchain and Bitcoin Business in Africa 2016, and the 2017 Global Blockchain Challenge in Dubai. The aggregation describes its account as alms its barter “a bitcoin assets with substance”, and letters that 75% of its associates that appoint the beef application South African Rand accept requested for their allotment to be paid in bitcoin.

Sunex Believes That Solar Power and Bitcoin Technology Are “Very Similar”

Sunex Lets Members Purchase Solar Cells and Distributes Profits as Either Bitcoin or Fiat

Sunex sees the bond of cryptocurrency and solar technology as applicable due to both technologies actuality “very similar… on a abstract and applied level. Solar activity is a decentralized and autonomous anatomy of activity – anyone can accept to go solar. Bitcoin is a decentralized and autonomous anatomy of money – anyone can accept to actualize their own money and absorb it in any country.” Ultimately, Sunex believes that “digital currenc[ies] and solar are both radically liberating technologies that are activity to be the foundation of the 21st-century economies.”, abacus that “as continued as we are still relying on deposit fuels and authorization currencies we are still ashore in the 19th century.”

Sunex believes that cryptocurrency will be a active force aloft the approaching African economy. Although the aggregation concedes that in adjustment for bitcoin to attain accumulation acceptance throughout the abstemious “very affordable or chargeless adaptable internet casework would be appropriate in rural areas”, Sunex believes that abounding of the services, efficiency, and accumulation that cryptocurrency is active greater acceptance through the African continent. “Cross-border remittance in Africa and accepted business is still actual cash-based and this is big-ticket and risky. Agenda bill offers an anon attainable and actual bargain associate to associate payments arrangement that is already confined the accomplished abstemious (and [the] planet) whilst politicians still agitation about how to actualize a pan-African distinct currency. ‎The appeal for bitcoin is actual aerial in Africa. You can acquaint this by attractive at the prices it is activity for on the agenda bill exchanges.”

Do you anticipate that bitcoin will accomplish boundless acceptance throughout Africa? Share your thoughts in the comments area below!

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