The Daily: Nasdaq Eyes Security Tokens, Blockstack Tackles Social Media
the daily tip

The Daily: Nasdaq Eyes Security Tokens, Blockstack Tackles Social Media

THELOGICALINDIAN - Todays chapter of The Daily is about architecture added than argument admitting able-bodied clasp in a little of the closing afore we assurance off First admitting lets alpha by because the latest projects actuality proposed aural the crypto amplitude a tokenized aegis belvedere and a amusing media arrangement that doesnt aperture data

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Nasdaq Plots Tokenized Security Platform

The Daily: Nasdaq Eyes Security Tokens, Blockstack Tackles Social MediaIt’s actuality reported that Nasdaq, the behemothic U.S. barter operator, is acute a new belvedere committed to tokenized securities. The move would accredit projects to action STOs in a adapted ambiance so as to accordance to U.S. law. As acceptance for ICOs has waned, affronted by fears that alleged account tokens may in actuality be unregistered securities, U.S. projects eyeing tokenization accept been larboard with no best but to go bottomward the STO route. It’s believed that Nasdaq is in talks with blockchain close Symbiont to actualize its own belvedere that would accredit tokenized balance to be listed and traded.

Social Media Backlash Intensifies

The Daily: Nasdaq Eyes Security Tokens, Blockstack Tackles Amusing MediaThere’s been a storm brewing all year on amusing media, with beachcomber afterwards beachcomber of censorship and abstracts leaks dispatch the departure from Facebook and its ilk. Users absorbed on jumping address accept been larboard with a bewilderment though: area to go? We’ve reported on some of the Bitcoin Cash-based initiatives, as able-bodied as Twitter alternatives such as Gab and Mastodon. Blockstack has now launched a $1 actor claiming to body decentralized amusing networks, writing: “Your abstracts and aloofness are actuality exploited and monetized by today’s amusing networks. It’s time for a change. We deserve the appropriate to ascendancy our data.” They add:

10 teams will be encouraged to devise amusing networks that don’t aperture data. A agnate adventure was additionally launched recently by web artist Sir Tim Berners-Lee. While these initiatives aren’t activity to topple the amusing media giants any time soon, greater best for pro-privacy consumers can alone be a acceptable thing.

Vitalik Buterin Sets the Record Straight

Ethereum Developers Advocate Anti-ASIC Fork and Hard Cap on SupplyEthereum’s Vitalik Buterin about avoids wading into Twitter spats, but acquainted answerable to actual several of the inaccurate claims Nouriel Roubini fabricated in the anniversary of his similarly inaccurate U.S. Senate testimony. “Vitalik Buterin was the agitator – calm with Joe Lubin – of the bent pre-mining sale/scam that created ether. They blanket 75% of the ether accumulation and became burning ‘billionaires’ of affected wealth,” tweeted Roubini, whose timeline has become more berserk as the week’s progressed.

“I never alone captivated added than ~0.9% of all ETH, and my net account never came abutting to $1b,” responded Buterin. “Also, I’m appealing abiding there are no bent laws adjoin pre-mining.” Then, on Friday, as Roubini angled bottomward on his bug-eyed crypto rambling, Buterin afresh stepped in to allay the angle that bitcoin and ethereum maximalists are at war, while giving a bark out to bitcoin banknote proponents.

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Images address of Shutterstock.

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