GAIMIN Poised for Significant Growth and Technology Advancement in 2022

GAIMIN Poised for Significant Growth and Technology Advancement in 2022

THELOGICALINDIAN - March 6th sees GAIMIN access its fifth and best agitative year

GAIMIN – monetizing broadcast abstracts processing

Over the aftermost four years, GAIMIN has been developing an appliance to actualize a supercomputer akin broadcast abstracts processing arrangement from additional accommodation begin in aerial achievement gaming PC’s. After ability absolute beta testing and added contempo assimilation and aegis testing, GAIMIN will be ablution the appliance globally afterward the barter advertisement of GAIMIN’s GMRX token. The appliance barrage date will chase the advertisement of GMRX on one or added crypto exchanges, abeyant users can annals with the whitelist for antecedence admission to the appliance back launched.

GAIMIN’s appliance harnesses the underutilised processing ability from GPUs begin in aerial achievement gaming PCs, creating an AI driven, supercomputer level, broadcast abstracts processing network, monetising abstracts processing, compensating users acceptance their accessories to participate in the GAIMIN arrangement in GAIMIN’s own cryptocurrency badge – GMRX. Earned rewards are stored in the user’s annual and can be aloof or added frequently spent in the GAIMIN Marketplace, on NFTs, gaming assets, accessories and merchandise.

GAIMIN currently uses this arrangement of processing accommodation to ‘power blockchain computations’, frequently accepted as mining. Blockchains anatomy allotment of the basal technology abaft new advances such as cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and the Metaverse. Using AI, the GAIMIN belvedere selects the best assisting blockchain to ability and allotment upto 90% of the rewards aback to users. GAIMIN accept already trialled added uses for the abstracts processing arrangement and auspiciously delivered video apprehension services. GAIMIN intends to extend the functionality of the application, enabling businesses to run high-demand abstracts processing tasks after above basement changes.

GAIMIFICATION – Powering the Metaverse

GAIMIFICATION has been at the beginning of GAIMIN’s development activities over the aftermost 6 months. GAIMIN accept developed and appear a plugin for Minecraft acceptance gamers to utilise blockchain functionality aural Minecraft. Predominantly focussing on NFTs, GAIMIN’s plugin enables gamers to absorb their in bold asset advance in the anatomy of NFTs which can be acclimated aural altered amateur and additionally bought, awash and busy on the accessory marketplace. Incorporating activating NFT functionality, GAIMIN’s NFTs can be re-used beyond altered games, with administration and formatting of the NFTs adapted according to the cartoon requirements of the bold they are actuality acclimated in.

GAIMIN’s -to-be appear SDK for the Unreal/EPIC belvedere will bear blockchain and NFT functionality to amateur developed on the Unreal/EPIC platform. Similar to the Minecraft plugin, but acknowledging the affiliation of blockchain functionality for developers of any bold developed on the Unreal/EPIC platform, GAIMIN will absolution its SDK, extending the interoperability of NFTs beyond altered gaming platforms and creating a decidedly added user abject for GAIMIN’s application.

GAIMIN will be powering the Metaverse for the best accepted and broadly played games, worldwide.

GAIMIN Gladiator’s – Worldwide esports success

GAIMIN’s esports teams are activity from backbone to strength. Since ablution GAIMIN Gladiators in January 2022, GAIMIN Gladiator’s DOTA2 aggregation are acceptable above contest and affective advanced in clash rankings in the all-around esports arena. Aggregation Tickle aggregation afresh won the WEU championship, assault some of the arch common teams to steadily access their rankings and position.

The success of the DOTA2 aggregation has catapulted GAIMIN’s esports amplification with the assimilation of Pokemon GO, Counterstrike and Rocket League teams into the Gladiator’s community. Currently ensconced in a European bootcamp, our DOTA 2 aggregation is assertive for cogent success in up and advancing tournaments.

Successful esports teams accomplish cogent cast acquaintance from accord in contest and tournaments. Winning competitions increases cast acquaintance and acceptance from followers. GAIMIN is a gaming company, developed for gamers by gamers. Focussing on the gaming association allows GAIMIN to admission a ample cardinal of abeyant users who accept admission to the aerial achievement accessories which can be chip into the GAIMIN broadcast abstracts processing network.

GAIMIN Gladiator’s acknowledgment in increasing. As the aggregation progresses in rankings and tournaments, the GAIMIN cast is arresting to the teams they comedy against, added accretion following, eyewitness abstracts and, best importantly, accretion the cardinal of alive GAIMIN appliance users.

GAIMIN Gladiators accepted statistics:

With anniversary success, GAIMIN Gladiators increases its following, breeding cast acquaintance and introducing new users to the GAIMIN application, GMRX and the abeyant for account balance to supplement their gaming costs by breeding their own rewards.

GMRX – Delivering amount to our community

GAIMIN’s cryptocurrency token, GMRX, will imminently be launched on at atomic one crypto exchange, creating a badge with amount which can be becoming through the GAIMIN app, spent on purchasing merchandise, accessories and in bold assets, such as NFTs, or traded through exchanges. GAIMIN’s pre-listing auction has been acutely acknowledged and has created a ample cardinal of GAIMIN badge holders above-mentioned to launch.

No Gamer Left Behind

With a ambition of over 1 actor alive users in its network, the majority of whom will be gamers, GAIMIN has a aerial akin of amusing albatross to this affecting community. GAIMIN will actualize socially amenable approaches to gaming to ensure its association balances the amusement of amateur with the non-gaming aspects of their lives.

GAIMIN will accompany gaming to under-developed countries and communities. Through approaching initiatives such as bespoke designed, bifold GPU hardware, GAIMIN will accommodate admission to arch bend IT systems to underprivileged all-around users. The accouterment of accouterments and communications basement not alone allowances the recipients but GAIMIN via the abstracts processing. The amount of these casework will be covered by the processing ability utilised from aural the PC devices.

Disability and concrete limitations to not abide in the agenda world. GAIMIN will accede this aesthetics in the concrete world. GAIMIN are attractive to action devices, solutions and gaming accessories that accommodate the gaming acquaintance to those bodies whose disabilities anticipate them from absolutely accommodating in a gaming experience

GAIMIN will body gamification into the GAIMIN appliance and dashboards. This will accommodate capacity such as claimed development, claimed responsibility, leadership, morals, belief and amusing responsibility. Combined with formalised abilities development, such as bold development, computer programming, economics and apprenticeship providers, GAIMIN has the ability to appearance 1.5 billion active minds.

The GAIMIN aesthetics – “No gamer is larboard behind.”

Exciting times are advanced for anybody associated with GAIMIN, whether you are a badge holder, gamer, or technology enthusiast. To accompany the GAIMIN community, amuse chase us on beyond all GAIMIN and GAIMIN Gladiators amusing media, our websites ( for business and for gaming) and get the latest account and updates beatific to you as it happens.

Social media:


Instagram: gaimin_io

Twitter: GaiminIo

LinkedIn: gaimin

YouTube: Gaimin



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