Andre Cronje Suggests Aave Has a Major Vulnerability

Andre Cronje Suggests Aave Has a Major Vulnerability

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cronje appropriate that Aave may be in a position agnate to that of Cream Finance

Some acid developments amid DeFi communities accept occurred in the accomplished two days; however, it ability be mostly noise.

DeFi War? Not So Much

Yearn architect Andre Cronje tweeted today that Aave (TVL of over $19 billion) users are accessible to abounding of the aforementioned risks that accept afresh afflicted added protocols. He wrote: 

“Aave amount afterwards 24 hour aspersion chase on ache for chrism actuality exploited, while Aave is accessible to the aforementioned exploit… Tell me afresh how abundant bigger your aegis is.”

Cronje appears to be referring to the best contempo advance on Cream Finance, which resulted in the accident of almost $136 actor in Cream funds via a beam accommodation advance two canicule ago. In August, Cream’s agreement absent $34 million, although $17.6 million of that was alternate by the hacker. Cream (TVL of $1.35 billion) is allotment of Yearn’s ecosystem. Yearn has a TVL of $5.8 billion. 

When asked for comment, Aave architect Stani Kulechov referred Crypto Briefing to a contempo Aave Twitter thread that sheds ablaze on the situation. Financial clay belvedere Gauntlet Network issued a angle meant to abate accessible accident in the Aave protocol. While apropos had been raised beforehand this anniversary by Aave association members, simulations run by the Gauntlet Network suggested that such attacks would aftereffect in a net accident for the attackers. The angle passed.

Cronje did not anon acknowledge to a appeal for comments. However, today Yearn wrote in a tweet

“Yearn devs accept been in war apartment with Aave and Cream from the alpha alive together. We are acceptable with anecdotic and acclimation several issues. If you anticipate we are at war, bandy abroad your newspapers.” 

Perhaps to abate battle and appearance support, Kulechov wrote aboriginal this morning in a tweet:

“Everyone in DeFi is in the aforementioned boat. We all appetite to accomplish accounts added fair, cellophane and impactful to empower the abutting beachcomber of users. Building DeFi is adamantine and communities accept their differences. Lets assignment together, abutment anniversary added and best chiefly win together. WGMI [heart emoji].”

WGMI is crypto argot for “we’re activity to accomplish it,” and it is in adverse to NGMI (“not activity to accomplish it”). In fact, the hacker of the contempo $134 actor Cream advance accustomed a bulletin (via a transaction) from a user alleged “oilysirs.eth,” admonishing the antagonist that they “are NGMI.”