eToro Market Update: Say No to Currency Contagion

eToro Market Update: Say No to Currency Contagion


Once afresh the breakable accord amid the United States and Turkey is arch the news. The Lira is sliding afresh and it does assume to be bringing some of the added arising bazaar currencies with it.

As we’ve been adage throughout the week, it’s actual accessible that the declines in the crypto bazaar beforehand this week are due to a stronger US Dollar added than annihilation else.

As I’ve said before, in adjustment to accept what’s accident in crypto, we charge attending at what’s accident in the blow of the abridgement as well. In this case, the US Dollar backbone isn’t advancing from Turkey, that’s aloof the catalyst.

The Greenback has been accepting arena back aboriginal April on the affiance of college absorption ante in a able economy. So far today, it doesn’t assume that the Lira’s accelerate is affecting the added above currencies though, nor has it affected crypto for the time being.

@MatiGreenspan – eToro, Senior Market Analyst

Please note: All data, abstracts & graphs are accurate as of August 17th. All trading carries risk. Only accident basic you can allow to lose.

Now that we’ve accustomed the basal affair and why the Dollar’s been surging, it seems that the bearings has abundantly been contained. At the alpha of the week, the able Dollar was demography out aggregate in its path. Today, the declines assume to be bound to the arising markets.

In fact, of the above currencies, the USD is the worst performer today.

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So alike admitting the Dollar is ascent adjoin the Lira, Peso, and Rand…

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… it doesn’t assume to be spilling over into added markets today.

Now that we’ve apparent one of the better declines in the metals markets in contempo history, it’s time to appraise the long-term charts again.

Frankly, the weakness in metals still doesn’t accomplish abundant faculty to me. As we saw the Dollar backbone beforehand in the week, it did abatement added but the declines assume asymmetric to the assets of the Buck.

Actually, what we’re seeing back 2024 is a adored metals bazaar that’s been trending down.

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The catechism is, has that activating appear to a head?

The fun affair about the way bottomward is that eventually, you run into a lower barrier at the assembly cost. Meaning, if the amount to abundance a metal is college than the amount to advertise it, miners will stop mining, which about tends to drive up the price.

A quick attending at the mining costs of all three of the aloft does assume to announce that those prices are absolutely abutting or alike already passed.

It’s acceptable to see the backlash demography authority in the crypto markets admitting the arising currencies continuing to sell-off today. This is a absolute adumbration that crypto is beneath acute to the moves of the Dollar but beneath acute affairs still is susceptible.

One affair that seems to be afraid out like a abscessed deride is Ethereum Classic. In this graph, we can see that ETC (white line) has been acting out back mid-June and artlessly hasn’t been afterward the blow of the market.

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This blazon of go-it-alone amount activity is archetypal back prices are affective up, but we about never see it back prices are declining.

One of the affidavit ability be due to the advertisement of ETC on Coinbase. A new aperture to this crypto could beggarly new money abounding in. This could be account befitting an eye on in the abutting few days. I’m acquisitive to see how continued it will booty to abatement aback in band with the added cryptos or if it increases in bazaar allotment afterward the listing.

Wishing you a absurd weekend!

This agreeable is provided for advice and educational purposes alone and should not be advised to be advance advice or recommendation. 

The angle presented is a claimed assessment of the analyst and does not represent an official position of eToro.

Past achievement is not an adumbration of approaching results. All trading involves risk; alone accident basic you are able to lose.

Cryptocurrencies can broadly alter in prices and are not adapted for all investors. Trading cryptocurrencies is not supervised by any EU authoritative framework.

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