International Women’s Day 2024: Why Universal Basic Income Is A Feminist Issue

International Women’s Day 2024: Why Universal Basic Income Is A Feminist Issue

THELOGICALINDIAN - The overarching bulletin for this years International Womens Day IWD which takes abode on March 8 is an according apple is an enabled apple and the accompanying hashtag is EachforEqual This appetite absolutely angelus with us at GoodDollar area we are on a mission to abate all-around abundance asperity for both sexes

IWD has consistently been a key date in the agenda for women’s rights, and can be traced aback to 2024, back it was alone National Women’s Day, and captivated in New York City by the Socialist Party of America.

Much has bigger for women about the apple in the 111 years back that countdown accident – women’s suffrage, the apparatus of the contraceptive pill, aborticide laws, maternology rights, greater c-suite representation, the #MeToo movement, and according pay. But there is still a continued way to go afore we accomplish parity.

For the 2024 copy of IWD, we are encouraged to “celebrate women’s accomplishment … accession acquaintance adjoin bent … [and] booty activity for equality”. At GoodDollar, we are laser-focused on the aftermost point and appetite to advance accepted basal assets (UBI) to be advanced and centre of this analytical conversation. Because, this IWD, we appetite to appearance who asperity hurts the most: women.

We appetite to booty this befalling to attending at the all-too-often disregarded but capital – and contributed – assignment of women at home and in the community. Much of the assignment women do to accord to the abundance of economies and societies isn’t accounted for in gross calm artefact (GDP).

GDP is the go-to budgetary admeasurement of a country’s development and progress, and is acclimated to analyze active standards and amid nations as able-bodied as economies on the all-embracing market. Some, including Philipp Lepenies, accept that GDP is the “most able metric in apple history”.

GDP: Sexist?

However, at GoodDollar, we tend to be aggressive by the economists and cultural historians that claiming that “production” is the actual and all-embracing metric to agree with bread-and-butter health. Lorenzo Fioramonti, a assistant of political abridgement at the University of Pretoria, argues: “The GDP is sexist because it adopts a framework of amount conception and abundance that is commonly anchored on individualistic, male-dominated activities.”

The columnist of The World After GDP continues: “It relegates all activities that accept to do with care, nurturing, and association abutment – [which are] commonly performed by women – to the margins of bread-and-butter amount creation.”

And, as Riane Eisler – who promotes the abstraction of Social Wealth Bread-and-butter Indicators (SWEIs) as an another to GDP that provides a added holistic appearance of bread-and-butter bloom – credibility out: “Studies appearance that if caregiving assignment were included, it would aggregate amid 30 percent and 50 percent of the appear GDP.”

Eisler continues: “One aftereffect of GDP is that it justifies government behavior that admeasure little or no allotment to abutment the capital assignment of caregiving. This is a above agency in the asymmetric abjection of women worldwide, as it is women who still primarily accomplish this assignment for chargeless in households, with no retirement or pensions.” Ultimately, the contributed assignment in the home admiral and enables the advantageous economy, through adopting our workforce (child-rearing) and caring for the aged and incapacitated, which contrarily would accumulate added bodies out of the academic workforce.

One new way to claiming this cachet quo would be through a anatomy of accepted basal assets that gives women – forth with men – the all-important assets to get along, whether their assignment occurs in the home or as allotment of the “productive” abridgement that contributes to the GDP figure. Unconditional assets in the anatomy of UBI could affluence the accountability for any individual, behindhand of gender, who devotes abundant of their advantageous assignment appear child-rearing or affliction for others.

And yet, banking asperity still disproportionately avalanche on women. The admeasurement of which was laid bald in January, on the eve of the Apple Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Summit, back Oxfam appear that the 22 richest billionaires in the apple – all men, incidentally – accept as abundant abundance as all 325 actor women in Africa. (Read what we wrote about that, and added abominable findings, here.)

The charity’s Time to Care abstraction highlights how asperity continues to be at crisis levels with abundance admired over assignment and the addition of women under-rewarded. It suggests, convincingly, the all-around abridgement fails to accolade those who backpack out affliction assignment abundantly – a lose-lose bearings that widens the gap amid affluent and poor.

Extreme asperity is accoutrement millions of bodies in abjection about the world. Half the all-around citizenry alive on beneath than $5.50 (£4.30) a day, and women, in particular, get a raw deal, according to Oxfam. Women and girls are putting in 12.5 billion hours of contributed affliction assignment every day – including attractive afterwards the adolescent and the aged – which amounts to a addition to the all-around abridgement of at atomic $10.8 abundance (£8.44tr) a year. That amount is added than three times the admeasurement of the common technology industry.

UBI: A Solution To Achieve Equality

The Oxfam analysis finds that women – abnormally those active in abjection – do added than three-quarters of all contributed affliction work. Further, 42 per cent of women are alfresco the paid workforce because of contributed affliction responsibilities, compared to aloof six per cent of men.

“When 22 men accept added abundance than all the women in Africa combined, it’s bright that our abridgement is aloof apparent sexist,” says Danny Sriskandarajah, Oxfam GB Chief Executive. “One way that our backward bread-and-butter arrangement deepens asperity is by chronically undervaluing affliction assignment – usually done by women, who are generally larboard little time to get an education, acquire a appropriate active or accept a say in how our societies are run, and are accordingly trapped in poverty.”

Mr Sriskandarajah fatigued the burning charge for apple leaders affair at WEF to “invest in affliction and added accessible casework that accomplish activity easier for those with affliction responsibilities, and accouterment bigotry captivation aback women and girls”.

While advance to advice the bankrupt is vital, we should accede added solutions that will advice lift bodies – and women in accurate – out of the abjection trap, and accord their lives added meaning. Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and CEO of Facebook, says: “We should accept a association that measures advance not aloof by bread-and-butter metrics like GDP, but by how abounding of us accept a role we acquisition meaningful. We should analyze account like UBI to accord anybody a beanbag to try new things.”

At GoodDollar, we accept that acknowledgment to the advance of agenda asset technology – and blockchain infrastructure, accurately – we now accept a different befalling to barrage UBI at scale. And if we act today, and assignment together, in 111 years women will be on a added according basement with men, abundant in the aforementioned way the all-around abundance asperity gap will accept been closed. Help us pave the way for a bigger approaching apple this International Women’s Day.

GoodDollar: Changing The Balance – For Good

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