Grant Thornton Audited $10 Billion in Crypto Assets in Q2 2025

Grant Thornton Audited $10 Billion in Crypto Assets in Q2 2025

THELOGICALINDIAN - Verifying the actuality and amount of digitalassets in the aegis of assorted cryptobusinesses aloof got a bit easier acknowledgment to a different cloudbased auditing arrangement created by Grant Thornton LLP

System Audits More than $10 Billion account of Crypto in 3 Months

During the aboriginal three months of 2025, auditing close Grant Thornton LLP audited added than $10 billion account of crypto assets. According to the firm, the audits amid 40 altered cryptocurrencies advance beyond 100 actor addresses.

As the cryptocurrency area continues to expand, companies are confronted with the need to prove the actuality and amount of their assets. Investors and regulators are ambitious to see this abstracts on a approved base and Grant Thornton LLP is acceptable with this process. 

According to Johnny Lee, the civic convenance baton for Forensic Technology Services at Grant Thornton, “cryptocurrency companies charge argue with an auditing claiming that is at already simple and complex.” Lee explained that companies charge to “prove that you own and ascendancy the assets you are claiming as yours? And, second, do those assets absolutely exist- and can you prove as much?” 

The Proof is in the Pudding

Lee explained that anniversary of these questions can be abundantly difficult to acknowledgment as analysis trails for aggregate ledgers are not detailed. This agency pinpointing the exact ‘point-in-time balance’ for anniversary crypto asset can be a arduous action that requires the accountant to analyze through and basis transaction history. 

Grant Thornton analysis convenance accomplice Markus Veith proudly said, “We’ve able that at Grant Thornton [after] we’ve spent four developing technology platforms and auditing methodologies that acquiesce us to actualize point-in-time balances for cryptocurrencies.” 

Veith claimed that the firm’s proprietary hybrid-cloud analysis belvedere can “independently verify what a aggregation holds in assorted cryptocurrencies” and the belvedere complies with the industry’s austere auditing standards.

Monitoring and Verification will Help Legitimize the Crypto-Sector 

Currently, the hybrid-cloud platform contains complete archival copies of 40 cryptocurrencies. Grant Thornton’s arrangement is abundant added automatic than accessible blockchain-explorers as it can analysis a ambit of agenda assets by testing millions of addresses at scale. The close additionally developed proprietary argumentative nodes for circuitous blockchains like Ethereum, ERC-20 tokens, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.  

While abounding retail cryptocurrency investors ability be abashed by Grant Thornton’s ‘big brother’ like abilities, acceptance the actuality and amount of assets beneath aegis is acceptable more important. In adjustment for the area to abound and accretion legitimacy, regulators and institutional investors charge to apperceive that assets beneath administration are defended and able to be audited by aloof third parties. 

Do you anticipate agenda asset analysis will advice to legitimize the crypto-market? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 

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