PwC Hired to Perform External Audit of Tezos Foundation

PwC Hired to Perform External Audit of Tezos Foundation

THELOGICALINDIAN - Tezos Foundation has assassin PwC Switzerland to conduct an alien analysis of its affairs and operation acceptable the aboriginal Big Four close to analysis a largescale blockchain organization

On July 23rd, Tezos appear a press release analogue its accord with PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Switzerland annex (PwC)— allotment it as the organization’s official auditor. The appear affiliation makes PwC the aboriginal ‘Big Four’ close to acquire a blockchain alignment as an analysis client.

The absolution stated:

The advertisement acclaimed that PwC was one of “the best admired accounting firms in the world.” Underscoring the believability PwC would action the Tezos Foundation — the absolution added:

Tezos clearly launched its betanet network in aboriginal June: a proof-of-stake blockchain arrangement that uses validators, or “bakers”, to accept transactions. The aggregation appear that its numbers of validators was growing — with a accepted number of 40— in which 8 were associates of the foundation.

Following a acknowledged ICO aftermost year — which aloft $232 actor — setbacks slowed the barrage of the beta network. The foundation was bedeviled with customer lawsuits and abstracted barrage attempts, arch investors to agnosticism the believability of the project. Equally damaging was the advertisement in aboriginal June that ICO investors would charge to analyze themselves afore accepting tokens.

Tezos and Other Exciting New ICOs

Despite setbacks, the website shows projections for absolution of its broader arrangement mainnet — which will abide any awaiting affairs already beta ceases.

PwC — which offers consultation, auditing, and banking casework — entered the blockchain-sphere in aboriginal 2016. The aggregation declared that it would accompany analysis on blockchain technology to bigger abetment barter on its acceptance and potential. Since then, PwC has broadcast its advising services, acceptance audience to account from a advanced ambit of blockchain projects.

In November, PwC’s Hong Kong annex began accepting payments in bitcoin — followed by a affiliation with U.S. aegis coffer Northern Trust. An accord which accustomed PwC auditors to admission advice that was stored in the banks clandestine blockchain.

What do you anticipate of Tezos cooperation with clandestine accountant PwC? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Wikimedia Commons, Shutterstock