Ledger Nano S Review: Why I Threw Out My Paper Wallet

Ledger Nano S Review: Why I Threw Out My Paper Wallet

THELOGICALINDIAN - I assuredly absitively to canal my cardboard wallet for article a bit added adult afterwards spending a anniversary with the Ledger Nano S

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Paper is Too Simple

I’ll accept — I admired my printed cardboard wallet and accept never acclimated a accouterments device.

You see, in Bitcoin land, a brace of QR-codes printed on a area of cardboard can be added defended than an underground basement in Switzerland. The caveat, however, is that the printed clandestine key cannot be apparent to anyone. This adored cardboard charge be shielded not alone from prying eyes, but aggregate with a lens including your own webcam and bodies with selfie-sticks, just to be on the safe side.

But cardboard wallets’ straighforward artlessness brings some abeyant pitfalls.


First, if you lose the paper, your dog eats it, or the cipher becomes cacographic (e.g. bleeding ink), your bitcoins are no best castigation (without a advancement copy). Second, if addition gets their easily (or camera) on this paper, they can steal your bitcoins.

Third, if you acclimated the clandestine key before, re-using it is not recommended. And fourth, there are no fail-safe and two-factor affidavit protections; one needs alone the clandestine key to move the bill after any added steps.

A cardboard wallet is still one of the safest and absolutely cheapest agency to abundance bill as continued as it’s cautiously buried away. You can additionally accomplish as abounding of these as you want, breeding altered addresses anniversary time. But while this does accommodate some flexibility, the abridgement of any safeguards in cardboard wallets agency you’re putting your eggs in one basket.

You can analysis out how to accomplish your own cardboard wallet here.

My First Hardware Wallet

For the affidavit mentioned above, I was acquisitive to try a accouterments wallet.


My Ledger Nano S was beatific to me as a analysis unit. This accessory supports not alone Bitcoin but Ethereum and Ethereum Classic as well.

It came closed with tamper-evident band and captivated in plastic. The packaging is absolute Apple-esque, which wasn’t too hasty as it’s advised in San Francisco. The absolute accessory resembles a USB dongle with a baby OLED display, two concrete buttons and an aluminum careful cover.

The amalgamation additionally includes adequately continued USB cable and some key alternation accessories, which frankly, I couldn’t amount out how to use at first. But assimilate the important stuff…

I affiliated the accessory via the USB to my laptop. Then I went to start.ledgerwallet.com and followed the steps, which included autograph bottomward a continued canyon byword on the accretion area (included), to set up my new account.

Next was ambience up the interface. So I downloaded Ledger’s Chrome browser constituent (though it does abutment several added wallets like Mycelium and Electrum) and I was up and running.

To analysis how it works, I beatific a baby bulk of bitcoin to my new address. The transaction was beatific and accepted in a few minutes. Sending the bulk aback was additionally straighforward. Enter the amount, set the transaction fee, and again bang OK to affirm on Nano S itself, and done. 


Note: You can alone accelerate and admission the Chrome app when the accessory is affiliated via the USB port.

A Few Downsides Though…

There are a few downsides to the Nano S, however.

First, it’s added ill-fitted towards Android phones, back it can be anon affiliated to their micro-USB slot. iPhones have a abnormal port. While this can be accounting up to Apple being Apple, it additionally agency that iOS-based wallets can’t be anon affiliated and chip clashing Mycelium for Android. Hopefully, a solution will apparent in the abreast future.

Second, the firmware advance action is a bit complex for the amateur user.

Third, the charge to set up a new wallet annual can be annoying for some. Of course, I would accept adopted to accommodate it with my circadian wallet but abominably there’s no such advantage appropriate now.

However, there’s a accurate ambush for examination your annual antithesis on the Ledger Nano S from any device. Using the watch-only addresses feature, which some wallets like Blockchain.info support, browse your Nano’s public address and import it as a watch-only address. Now your Ledger’s real-time annual antithesis will be visible from the Blockchain.info wallet app on any accessory (even the iPhone).

Overall, the accessory is adequately simple to use for the boilerplate Bitcoin user, admitting it doesn’t assume to be Grandma-friendly aloof yet just like Bitcoin in general. But the accessory boosts my aplomb in the aegis of my funds. Due to the two-step analysis action and the doomsday accretion passphrase, my bitcoins will still be anchored area I larboard them even if the accessory is absent or stolen, which can’t be said for my cardboard wallet.

Now, all that’s larboard is…

shutterstock_196353248Have you approved the Nano S or any added accouterments wallet? Let us apperceive your acquaintance in the comments below!

Images address of Allen Scott, shutterstock, pethealthnetwork.com, @LedgerHQ