How Litentry’s Innovative Crowdloan Program Gives DOT Holders A Chance To Maximize Their Rewards

How Litentry’s Innovative Crowdloan Program Gives DOT Holders A Chance To Maximize Their Rewards

THELOGICALINDIAN - The crypto amplitude is acceptable added and added interoperable developers in chase of abundant acceptance and success will charge to embrace this trend Amongst the cardinal blockchains Polkadot and its different access to babyminding and interoperability are bound acceptable the hub for the projects that could conductor the approaching of the industry

Unlike Ethereum, Cardano, and added blockchains, Polkadot leverages a characteristic apparatus that lets the association accept the projects that will absorb bound slots on the network. To participate in the auctions, projects charge to accumulate abundant funds.

Once the action is completed, acceptable projects will be deployed via parachains, absolute networks that ability the protocols. This action has already unleashed a aflutter antagonism with abounding projects, such as Moonbeam, Bifrost, Astar Network, and Litentry activity able to booty the lead.

Most of these projects action a abiding accolade to accretion association abutment and win the auction. Astar has alien a 3-bonus akin for its supporters with 5% of its built-in badge ASTR bound as allotment of their Crowdloan.

On the added hand, Moonbeam offers uses a allocation of a 30% Crowdloan pool, but investors charge delay until the activity deploys its affinity with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Also, 70% of the rewards will be broadcast in the 96 weeks leasing aeon for the slot.

Of the above projects, the Crowdloan barrage by decentralized character accession agreement Litentry offers a activating and able affairs with adaptive rewards, bonuses, and added opportunities for its supporters.

On top of that, participants will be able to pale their DOTs after added requirements or complications. The Litentry Network will affix its parachain to the Polkadot broadcast chain. In accomplishing so, it will accommodate users with added aegis and interoperability.

Already active on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain with its own built-in badge alleged LIT, giving it an advantage over agnate projects aggravating to get a aperture on Polkadot, the afresh barrage Crowdloan strategies are a above footfall for the network.

The activity has been listed on the arch crypto barter Binance for a continued time and has a able clamminess base. Thus, investors accept an added band of aegis and can await on the angary of the project.

The activity has allocated 20% of LIT’s absolute accumulation or 20,000,000 to incentivize users and accolade its supporters to access a above position and a college adventitious to access a aperture in the Polkadot auction. The affairs will be alive from the aboriginal aperture to the fifth bargain and will abide alive until Litentry secures a abode on the network.


By allocating 20% of the LIT badge absolute accumulation in the Crowdloan Program, Litentry offers DOT holders one of the best low-risk/high accolade strategies to alter their portfolio. In that way, investors will accept an added befalling to accumulation added than staking their DOT.

In adjustment to participate in the Crowdloan Program, investors charge to lock 5 DOTs for the auction. This antecedent advance will be adored with a minimum of 2.5 LIT.

Later, final rewards will be estimated based on the addition allotment of every user to the Crowdloan pool. In added words, one user’s DOT addition will be disconnected by the absolute DOT contributions in the pool.

These rewards will be broadcast back the Litentry parachain active on the Polkadot broadcast alternation goes live. Anniversary broker will accept their LIT rewards linearly in anniversary block for the continuance of the Slot leasing period: 96 weeks.

Even if the activity fails to defended a slot, investors will still be compensated in the new Crowdloan attack with added LIT tokens until the program’s ambition is met. Compensations will ability an estimated 13% APY for a Crowdloan aeon of 5 weeks.

For aboriginal supporters, there will be a benefit of up to 10% if they abutment the attack afore November 18 or 5% if they participate by November 25. Also, users can acquire added rewards if they complete an identity-based assignment and abutment Litentry Network’s capital use case. Users can additionally acquire added incentives through several of Litentry’s partners, including the SubDAO airdrop, a Binance warmup promotion, and an all-new affiliation with Polkadot Name System that earns users who accord added than 10 DOT with a chargeless .dot area name.

Although beneficial, Polkadot’s staking rewards accept a abundant lower upside than action on the advance of its ecosystem. A activity such as Litentry network, with a aerial interoperable accommodation and a use assertive to see an access in demand, as added bodies crave an another to accumulate abstracts and character systems.

Therefore, the Crowdloan Reward Program is a abundant adventitious for aboriginal investors to absolutely abduction Litentry’s abeyant to become a top activity on one of the best able ecosystems in the space. At the aforementioned time, these investors will advance their accommodation to move amid blockchains.