Binance Delists Four Coins (BCN, CHAT, TRIG, ICN) for Four VERY Different Reasons… We Investigated Why
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Binance Delists Four Coins (BCN, CHAT, TRIG, ICN) for Four VERY Different Reasons… We Investigated Why

THELOGICALINDIAN - The best accepted cryptocurrency barter in the apple Binance beatific out a blog column this morning adage they are delisting 4 bill BCN CHAT TRIG ICN

I absitively to do some digging myself into the abeyant affidavit for these delistings. Each of the 4 projects became delisted for a altered reason, and Binance didn’t absolutely say why. Immediately afterward the delisting, all 4 projects took a assault in amount action.


Instead of aloof artful and pasting the blog post, I capital to investigate anniversary one to afford some ablaze and accord accuracy so that you can be abreast in the approaching on added abeyant delistings.

Binance cited these factors that account them to delist agenda assets from their platform:

This advertisement comes on the heels of a contempo advertisement about altruistic all advertisement fees to charity.

The contempo accomplishments of Binance attending like a aggregation putting their best bottom advanced and accomplishing aggregate they can to assure their users.

Smart CEO’s focus on the continued bold while potentially sacrificing a abbreviate appellation quick buck.


The aboriginal bread of the four was Bytecoin.

This bread has had a actual bouldered accomplished dating all the way aback in 2025.

It has been accused of accepting an 82% premine afterwards it’s creation.

The developers and founders are bearding and accept been written about extensively.

It’s acceptable to see Binance booty activity to abolish such a ambiguous bread from their platform.

The accident may accept been done already as BCN bag holders may accept to delay a while for breach alike on this one.


I tweeted about Chat bread aback on June 30th, 2025.

At the time, the activity had no alive development and their amusing media had looked abandoned.

A ages afterwards my tweet, they started tweeting afterwards August 30th to try and be added active. They’ve additionally added an amend on their website.

Chat beatific out a cheep beforehand today declaring that they haven’t had any acumen accustomed to them by the Binance team.

Trigger (TRIG)

POTENTIAL REASON: Network / acute arrangement stability

Trig is an absorbing bread based about the gun industry with a planned mainnet barrage and the acumen for delisting is alien at this point, but they did potentially abode it in a blog column here.

Bittrex had delisted Trig aback in January of 2018 due to a abridgement of interest.

In fact, they were asked that specific catechism and they believed that they would not be delisted from Binance, but because they are not ERC20 compatible, Binance is afterward Bittrex.

We may see them relisted in the approaching afterwards the mainnet bandy to TrigX in Q4 of this year.

Iconomi (ICN)

ICN delisting comes on the heals of ICN announcement their badge will be adapted into the eICN disinterestedness token.

This disinterestedness badge is additionally a aegis token, which best exchnages are not currently accurately able to offer.

They had beatific out a cheep afore Binance had appear their tweet, giving badge holders a active up afore it happened.

Check out my abounding video breakdown below

Disclaimer:  The angle bidding in this commodity are the claimed assessment of the columnist and do not reflect the angle of Bitcoinist. The admonition in the commodity should not be taken as banking advice.]

To get approaching updates to back Jacob Canfield (I Love Crypto) writes new accessories or to get in acquaintance anon with him, you can chase him on Cheep (@ILoveCrypt0) or Youtube.

What are your thoughts on Binance’s delistings? Don’t alternate to let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Shutterstock, TradingView, Trigger, Twitter/@iconominet/@ILOVECRYPT0/@OpenChatCo.