Bitcoin Backers Embrace Crowd Funding with “Tatiana Coin”
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Bitcoin Backers Embrace Crowd Funding with “Tatiana Coin”

THELOGICALINDIAN - Tatiana Moroz a singersongwriter and administrator is the avant-garde of advocate army allotment model

PRLog (Press Release) – May 30, 2014 – NORTH BERGEN, N.J. — Tatiana Moroz, a New Jersey-based, singer-songwriter and administrator is absolution her “Tatiana Coin”, the first-ever artisan crypto bill aka “Artist Coin”. “Tatiana Coin” will use a Bitcoin-driven belvedere to empower admirers and music lovers akin to anon accord to Tatiana’s 3rd anthology absolution and consecutive tour. Early fundraising goals are $50,000 up to $250,000. The 30 day crowd-sale attack will alpha June 2nd, 2014 at 11:59 PM PST and end July 1st at 11:59 PM PST.

The “Artist Coin” is a new affectionate of business archetypal for Artists, Musicians or anyone with a aptitude and an admirers attractive to collaborate with their supporters and accession funds for their projects. Similar to IndieGogo or Kickstarter, the “Artist Coin” is easier to use with burning alteration at no added fee.

Tatiana Moroz aboriginal bent the absorption of the Bitcoin association with her distinct titled, “The Bitcoin Song.”

She describes the “Artist Coin” as alms “unique means for bodies to become allotment of the artistic action area as the fan abject grows, the added admired the tokens become.” Additionally, “this affairs incentivizes stronger relationships with admirers area admirers accretion admission to abaft the scenes parties, advocacy opportunities, aboriginal releases and more.”


“Tatiana Coin” is powered by, a new Crypto-Property CrowdSale belvedere active on the Counter Party protocol. The Counter Party agreement is a groundbreaking broadcast technology that enables anyone to affair their own acute acreage or currency.

The allotment attack appearance a “gamified” donation arrangement that varies the bulk of “Tatiana Coin” adored to backers altruistic Bitcoin (BTC) or CounterParty (XCP) to Tatiana’s Official Attack Address (to be appear at on June 3rd). Each day, backers breach the to-be-allocated basin of 100,000 “Tatiana Coins” based on their addition compared to anybody abroad during the aforementioned day. This allows adeptness backers to abstract low-traffic canicule to accept a benefit cardinal of “Tatiana Coin” from the circadian allocation.

“Tatiana Coin” can be adored for absolute prizes which accommodate autographed memorabilia, passes to advocate aggressive invite-only events, advocacy opportunities, abode concerts, and alike distinctively crafted, alone songs.  Further fundraising supports a tour, video series, and alike a crypto almanac label.

“The ‘Tatiana Coin’ is alone the beginning,” explains Tatiana Moroz, “of what Bitcoin cryptocurrency can offer. There are amaranthine possibilities with ‘Tatiana Coin’ and I appetite to see added artists and alike start-ups accept this fundraising belvedere which continues to body amount continued afterwards a donation is fabricated and the attack ends.”

“Tatiana Coin” allotment attack is co-promoted by, Adam B Levine of Let’s Talk BitcoinCounterparty and Coin Powers.

To acquisition out added about “Tatiana Coin” and Tatiana Moroz’s efforts to advance the “Artist Coin” go to and to get your coin!

Jenn Coffey
[email protected]