Binance Now Lets Users Convert Crypto Dust to BNB
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Binance Now Lets Users Convert Crypto Dust to BNB

THELOGICALINDIAN - Binance has launched a new affection that allows users to catechumen crypto dust into BNB tokens Changpeng Zhao CZ the Binance CEO fabricated this accepted via a cheep on April 23 2024

Crypto dust refers to a apportioned cryptocurrency value. It is usually absurd to barter crypto dust due to the actuality that they are beneath than the transaction fees. Being lower than the minimum trading limit, it usually sits abandoned in user wallets. Hence, the appellation “crypto dust.”

This new affection appear by Binance will acquiesce users to about-face their cryptocurrency dust into advantageous tokens. Binance users will be able to catechumen crypto dust that is agnate to beneath than 0.001 BTC into BNB tokens.

BNB tokens are the built-in cryptocurrency of the Binance platform. They are acclimated to pay transaction fees for all barter and barter affairs on the platform. Binance is currently the better cryptocurrency barter belvedere in the world. As at the time of autograph this article, added than $3 billion in crypto trades has been hosted on the belvedere in the accomplished 24 hours. BNB is currently trading at $13.65 according to Coinmarketcap and is the best performing all-around asset so far in 2018.

The action of converting crypto dust to BNB tokens on the Binance belvedere is absolutely straightforward. A “Convert to BNB” button has been added to the user dashboard. Once the user logs in to their Binance account, they can bang the button and chase the prompts. The user again selects the cryptocurrency dust in their annual that they ambition to convert. The amount in BNB of the crypto dust actuality adapted is apparent at the basal of the folio as able-bodied as the transaction fee.

The acknowledgment on amusing media and online crypto forums has been abundantly positive. Binance has fatigued acclamation for the artlessness of the process. This new affection is decidedly added hassle-free than the antecedent crypto blanket action on the belvedere which had some limitations.

Binance currently lists more than 300 cryptocurrency tokens on its platform. It focuses on crypto/crypto trading pairs. There accept been letters that authorization trading pairs ability be alien in ablaze of the platform’s approaching move to Malta.

What do you anticipate about the new Binance crypto blanket feature? Do you accept crypto dust that you’d ambition to catechumen to BNB or do you adopt to hodl? Let us apperceive your angle in the animadversion area below.

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