ECHO Merges Blockchain and Social Media for Space-Age Communication
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ECHO Merges Blockchain and Social Media for Space-Age Communication

THELOGICALINDIAN - ECHO a broadcast peertopeer and encrypted messaging and agenda payments belvedere enables peopleto barter encrypted argument audio video and angel letters It additionally portends to acquiesce users to accelerate money and alike pay at places like Starbucks

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ECHO amusing media

“We accredit anybody to barter encrypted text, audio, video, angel letters additional transforming agenda payments into demography a simple picture,” CEO Christoph Hering told

The CEO says users will be able to accelerate agenda authorization currencies like USD, EUR, GBP as able-bodied as arch crypto-currencies bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin via e-mail, buzz cardinal or ECHO ID. ECHO promises a lot, including 100 percent clandestine chats and acquittal channels in an easy-to-use platform.

“Our users account from instant, bargain and defended babble and money alteration casework based on the BitShares Blockchain,” Hering said. “ECHO is the alien ascendancy for your claimed Blockchain billow wallet.”

ECHO claims that all funds accept 100% collateral, and are 24/7 insured with a advantage scheme, so ECHO users funds are adequate from annexation or hacking. If ECHO goes bankrupt, the aggregation says user funds are not at risk, back they’re stored on user’s clandestine wallets. ECHO claims to not authority or ascendancy clandestine user keys.

“The founding aggregation of ECHO is absorbed by the abeyant greater acceptable that Blockchain technologies will accompany to the world,” Christoph Hering said. “We are assertive that anybody has the affirmation of chargeless accent and buying over their own money. It is our ambition to accommodate a accepted clandestine babble and agenda acquittal belvedere area bodies can abundance their abundance in the claimed blockchain cloud, barter texts, images and articulation letters advisedly after any interfering 3rd parties. The bodies should adjudge advisedly if they appetite to abundance their adamantine becoming abundance in e.g. USD, EUR, Bitcoin or Gold.” The close believes the amusing messaging amplitude is wrought with crisis and abridgement of chargeless speech.

Could ECHO Be the Future Of Social Messaging?

“Social media platforms are one of the best accoutrement to affix with like absent people,” Hering said. “It is actual accessible to bolt up with your friends, allotment own stories, and accept fun calm online. Most bodies feel the amusing burden and use the amusing messaging platforms everybody abroad uses.” But, if you don’t accept a Facebook or WhatsApp account, you are out of luck.

“This amusing burden trumps best aegis and aloofness concerns,” ECHO recognizes. “Either you accompany the afraid platforms and accord up your aloofness or you break always abandoned at home.” ECHO believes this botheration is account solving.

ECHO strive to action a free, peer-to-peer encrypted babble application. The activity takes a political camber to advance its model.

“In some nations, bodies acquaintance circadian censorship in their amusing messaging platforms, area governments, et cetera, annul analytical text, images and blog post,” Hering said. “Free accent and claimed opinions are suppressed. It is hasty to us that alone a few platforms ambition these issues and try to help.” ECHO says it uses the decentralized Blockchain technology to assure any text, video or angel from censorship.

Social messaging applications generally abound in capricious ways. While WhatsApp accomplished all-around acceptance in best western countries, it bootless to booty authority in  Asian markets. Line and WeChat are able in Asia,  but attempt to abound in Central Europe and in North America.

“We are assertive that best amusing messaging apps are bound in their UI/X customization appearance and hence, do not accommodated the consumer’s cultural demands for emoji, sticker, and UI/X experience,” Hering said, alms an account for antecedent apps’ assorted successes. “It is our ambition to accommodate a advanced ambit of customization appearance analogous all cultural demands in stickers, gifs, and emoji.” ECHO promises to be a new way to babble with friends, ancestors and to calmly administer your own money on the blockchain.

Online Trends Perfect Storm For Social Blockchain

“The consumers are alive from amusing networks to the added alternate and fun amusing messaging space,” Hering said. “Mobile messaging apps are on the fast-track to a billion users, growing so fast that they’re overshadowing best amusing networking sites as a admired smartphone action amidst adolescent people. Best adolescent bodies are chatting via Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook Messenger.”

The ECHO agenda acquittal belvedere is based on the BitShares 2.0 Blockchain Technology. “Think about BitShares as a decentralized amassed accepted banking platform, a banking belvedere area assorted corporations allotment the aforementioned banking blockchain for trading and amount transfers,” Hering explained.

There are altered markets for assorted assets or currencies, such as EUR/USD, USD/CNY, USD/BTC and anybody can access the all-around network, agnate to Ethereum.

“One of the amount allowances of this decentralized banking platforms are their automated achievement and scalability of three abnormal block time and up to 100.000 transfers per second,” Hering said, acquainted that aggregate is beyond than Mastercard and Visa combined. “Also actual different are the price-stable crypto currencies on the BitShares’ Blockchain. ECHO is affairs these price-stable crypto currencies – Smartcoins –  to their users and accordingly ECHO has no ascendancy over users funds.

ECHO claims that a “compensation scheme” will assure user funds, as able-bodied as BitShares DPOS aegis system. Bitcoin plays an important role for ECHO, whose users can accept their adopted currencies and administer them, be they USD, EUR or Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash and added crypto-currencies.

“All ECHO users will be able to transfer, barter and pay at all absolute food that acquire crypto payments today,” Hering said. “That agency you can use ECHO as an another Bitcoin wallet with added defended babble functions.”

“The apple is growing into a added commutual arrangement area aggregate is on appeal and accessible aural seconds,” Hering said. “With billions of estimated adaptable messaging users and as the abeyant for administration increases, the befalling to appoint consumers anon at calibration is actual ambrosial to businesses and organizations of all sizes to attending into amusing messaging apps. Most accepted amusing messaging apps in Asia are experimenting with messaging app based babble bots appearance for administration as able-bodied as chump engagements already and accommodate aboriginal claimed abettor (AI) services.”

What do you anticipate of ECHO? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Trip Tease, Bitcoinist.