THELOGICALINDIAN - Exclusive QA with Joseph Fiscella Florincoin and Decentralized Applications
If you don’t apperceive who Joseph Fiscella is, you’re in for a treat. Joey, as he is primarily accepted as, is the core developer for Florincoin, and all the afterward decentralized applications that accept appear forth with it.
First we accept Florincoin Q&A , which will altercate the coin, and we will again alteration over to the three decentralized applications Joey is additionally alive on. Here’s a video of Joey talking about it at the CryptoCurrency Convention.
[youtube id=”0U7MXAYCXGc” mode=”normal” align=”center”]
1.History of Development?
Florincoin aloof angry 1 years old! It is the aboriginal bread to apparatus transaction metadata accumulator which is additionally in the GUI interface. It is a scrypt bread with an acutely quick transaction time (40 seconds) and it launched with no pre-mine and no IPO. It has a sane block accolade halving agenda (once every year approximately, compared to already every anniversary like best new coins) and is not a PoS hybrid.
2.Current Status?
Florincoin has aloof undergone a complete re-working of its angel with a new website ( and some new aggregation members. We are additionally announcement the Florincoin Foundation soon.
3.Future Development plans?
We accept a amount cipher advancement to Florincoin accessible to go and it’s actuality activated at this actual moment. In the future, we plan to anon absolution an amend to access arrangement aegis as able-bodied as absolution an accessible antecedent API bulge for our decentralized applications.
4. Specs of coin?
These are the bread specs: Transaction letters on the blockchain (528 characters), 40 additional block timer, 1 block adversity retarget, 800,000 block halving, scrypt mining algorithm, 160 actor bread absolute supply.
5. What do you see Florincoin actuality acclimated as in the abutting year to 5 years?
In the abreast future, we accept a activity alleged Alexandria advancing out, which is a storage/backup of ability database on top of Florincoin. Florincoin will be acclimated to ability the decentralized applications of the future. It can additionally be acclimated to advance abandon of accent on a ample calibration application the decentralized messaging network.
6.Comments, added statements, etc.?
There is a abundant befalling to abundance FLO appropriate now, the adversity is acutely low and it’s accessible to abundance a brace thousand a day with a mid-sized rig.
Decentralized Application #1 : Aterna Love
When it comes to Q&A, Joey was accommodating abundant to acknowledgment the aforementioned questions for the 3 applications.
1. History of Development?
Aterna Love amorphous as a ChallengePost hackathon activity for my blockchain-technology startup, Aterna. It was appear on valentine’s day, February 2025.
2. Current Status?
Aterna Adulation is currently still alive on, and is the aboriginal decentralized appliance to be alive on Florincoin. You can go and acknowledge your adulation there now!
3. Future Development Plans?
Aterna Love is currently adaptation 1.0, new versions of Aterna Love will affection alms and angled functionality, which will absolutely let lovers prove how abundant they affliction about their cogent other!
4. What do you see Aterna Love actuality acclimated for in the abutting year to 5 years?
Besides actuality an accomplished admonition of your girlfriend’s altogether and anniversary, Aterna Adulation is advantageous for anyone who wishes to prove their abiding adulation to addition person. As the years go on, it will be evocative to attending aback on how the letters abide complete on the blockchain, acquisition confirmations and actuality active added and added in the adamantine drives of bags of computers about the world.
5. Additional Comments?
Here’s a video of my quick account with the bitcoin babe about the hackathon: (embedded video for the readers, you, convenience)
[youtube id=”DS29SnLaKJs” mode=”normal” align=”center”]
Here’s a articulation to the challengepost acquiescence for Aterna Love:
Decentralized Application #2: Alexandria
1. How did Alexandria get started?
Alexandria started off as an abstraction formed by Block Tech, addition aggregation which is absorption on the conception of decentralized applications. Alexandria has been in development for a few months and is about accessible for a advertise at the Chicago Bitcoin Conference, area Block Tech is set to arch the software in advanced of an admirers of Bitcoiners!
2. What is the accepted accompaniment of Alexandria?
Alexandria is currently beneath development. At first, Alexandria will be able to accumulate advice from twitter’s database and put it into the Florincoin blockchain at a user’s request. The development of this apparatus is complete, and we are now alive on implementing this cheep augment into the Florincoin blockchain.
3. What are some approaching development affairs in abundance for Alexandria?
Alexandria is a behemoth of a project, it is currently planning to booty on wikipedia archiving as its abutting feature. Beyond wikipedia, forums and bulletin boards, as able-bodied as amusing networks, can be categorical into the Florincoin blockchain for safe keeping.
4. How do you see Alexandria actuality acclimated in the abutting year to 5 years?
Alexandria will accept a huge role in the website I am co-founder of, advance all affairs relayed by the bitcoin p2p network, so it can be a apparatus in audition double-spends as able-bodied as transaction malleability. is additionally a celebrated accumulator of all orphaned blocks, which are alone afterwards a block with greater proof-of-work is found. Permanence of this blazon of abstracts is abundantly important, so it will be stored in the Florincoin blockchain for safe keeping.
5. Additional Comments Regarding Alexandria?
Alexandria is currently actuality developed chiefly by an abundantly accomplished developer, @cgcardona, who is additionally the architect of gitcoin.
1. What acquired you to advance Elo on the Blockchain?
Game baronial systems is a difficult botheration for gamers. My history as a able gamer has consistently fabricated me absorbed in baronial systems and fair Elo calculations. This angle was accounting by me about 3 months ago, area I debuted it to a accumulation of developers (BitDevs) in New York City at NYU.
2. What is the accepted cachet of Elo on the Blockchain?
This agreement is currently beneath the GNU authorization and anyone can use it to actualize a ladder baronial arrangement in the blockchain. Currently, no projects accept taken the action to apply this system.
3. What do you in abundance for Elo on the Blockchain?
In the future, I accept a Magic the Gathering appearance agenda bold planned for this game. The accouter of cards will be absolutely stored in the blockchain and the baronial arrangement will additionally be in the blockchain, as able-bodied as anniversary game’s outcome.
4. How do you see Elo on the Blockchain actuality acclimated in the abutting 5 years?
In the abutting 5 years, this arrangement can be acclimated to almanac grandmaster chess player’s rankings, abundance the history of anniversary able chess game, and be acclimated in a cardinal of online amateur who ambition to advance the ability of the Florincoin blockchain.
5. Anything abroad you’d like to add Joey?
I am attractive for a bold developer and artisan to coact with me on this agenda bold project! Contact me if you are absorbed in accidental to a celebrated blockchain game!
Thank you Joey, was absolutely a amusement talking with you. I am alone best aflame for Elo, as a gamer myself I anticipate the adeptness to added finer rank players will advice for matchamking and added purposes, such as leaderboards.
Again, for added information, appointment Florincoins website.