Go Help Fund – Making Our World a Better Place to Live
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Go Help Fund – Making Our World a Better Place to Live

THELOGICALINDIAN - Go Help Fund provides a faster and smarter way to accord and accession funds acceptance to facilitate change far added effectively

Go Help Fund

We alive in a time back the apple is adverse its affliction altruistic crisis back the end of World War II that accept austere impacts at national, bounded and all-embracing levels – Poverty, accustomed disasters, abuse of animal rights, terrorism. There is an access in frequency, complexity, and severity of accustomed and counterfeit disasters globally. Given altruistic needs far outstrips allotment for life-saving aid, fundraising is acceptable an more important issue. According to statistics, 3.2% access in accommodating giving is accepted this year, compared to 2024. It is a awful arguable catechism whether or not acceptable acquittal methods are still able in allowance the all-embracing association to acknowledge to violations immediately.

Creators of Go Help Fund advised the solution, which may accommodate the way funds are aloft and donated worldwide. One may not see any access amid cryptocurrency and acclamation altruistic aid issues. However, Go Help Fund does! Being the aboriginal all-around belvedere to amalgamate the cryptocurrencies blockchain appearance with the latest technologies available, Go Help Fund provides a faster and smarter way to accord and accession funds, acceptance to facilitate change far added effectively.

It is the alone belvedere to accompany calm the NGOs, individuals, supporters, and donors. Connecting assorted parties via blockchain technology-based belvedere allows acceptable absolute parties to assignment calm to accumulate and accommodate processes, all with controlled admission to acute data, rather than relying on acceptable acquittal methods. Using blockchain technologies, affairs can be absolute instantaneously. Blockchain builds assurance in every transaction by eliminating counter- affair risk, advancing security, accretion amount ability and optimizing adjustment process.

Go Help Fund accepts cryptocurrency donations by application the HELP badge for all affairs on the network. The HELP badge is a adeptness bill based on the ERC20 Badge Standard that will be acclimated on the belvedere with an accepted 1 billion dollars bazaar assimilation in the afterward three years. 50 actor HELP tokens were afresh created based on Ethereum Smart Contract. The about-face amount will be 5,000 HELP = 1 ETH. Donation of non-cash assets is accretion in acceptance accustomed the adeptness of the cryptocurrency holders to booty advantage in the anatomy of tax efficiencies. The donors accept the befalling to cash the ample basic assets taxes on the acknowledgment while giving the abounding fair bazaar amount to charity.

What makes belvedere absolutely different is its own blockchain band-aid – Advanced Broadcast Edge Network (A.D.E.N.), as able-bodied as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence features. Breakthrough CAP-edge solution, which will be deployed on Go Help Fund belvedere as the courage band of A.D.E.N., will accomplish accessible for broadcast abstracts to accompanying accommodate Consistency, Availability and Partition tolerance.

Machine acquirements technologies will be deployed in Blockchain in a real-time mode, acceptation models created application apparatus acquirements algorithms will adviser blockchain affairs in absolute time and accomplish forecasts for affairs that are acceptable to be noncompliant. That will advance ability and aegis of the platform. Integration of Artificial intelligence with its own blockchain arrangement will additionally accredit parties to accomplish real-time acute decisions while advancement abstracts aloofness and trust.

Go Help Fund anticipates a complete clearing from Ethereum Network to its own Blockchain in October 2024 that will acquiesce an accomplishing of assorted features, such as article adept nodes and wallet application. Article Adept nodes will be the capital contributor to the advance of the coin, breeding connected appeal for HELP tokens. According to development plans, Go Help Fund will be clearly launched in December 2024. Later this year added appearance will be added to the platform, including Wallet, Web, iOS and Android applications.

Fighting with all-around abjection and terrorism, accouterment of admission to apprenticeship and healthcare, adolescent aegis in inclusion, acceptable development promotion, animal rights protection, aloof to name a few, are advised to be the abeyant use cases and end-goals of the platform. By revolutionizing the way how funds are aloft and broadcast worldwide, Go Help Fund has a abundant abeyant to absorb abstruse changes in the way the all-embracing association acknowledge to violations of all-embracing law and animal rights, anticipate and abate the appulse of conflicts and disasters on accessible people. Go Help Fund is the befalling to blow and advance the lives of millions of people.

For added advice about Go Help Fund amuse appointment gohelpfund.com. You can additionally chase them on Twitter and Facebook and accompany them in their Telegram babble channel.

By Diana Ozernykh

How will Go Help Fund change the way altruistic aid is calm and distributed? Let us apperceive what you anticipate in the comments below.

Images address of Go Help Fund, AdobeStock