VeriCoin Announces New Wallet with Slew of New Features
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VeriCoin Announces New Wallet with Slew of New Features

THELOGICALINDIAN - VeriCoin will be bringing a new wallet to their users on January 23 appropriately called VeriCoin Wallet 15 In the upgraded wallet users will acquisition a deluge of new appearance that aimto booty the wallet to the abutting level

The aboriginal affair bodies may apprehension is an upgraded graphical user interface (GUI) to accomplish things simpler for the end user.

The VeriCoin aggregation said the afterward apropos the new GUI:

VeriCoin’s new wallet will additionally abutment SuperNET integration. Once the aboriginal adaptation of the website launches, a new wallet will be appear with abounding support.

VeriCoin Listening to the Community

Vericoin walletAfter this wallet is released, users won’t anytime accept to manually amend their wallets again. The VeriCoin development aggregation is abacus an Auto-Update affection that checks periodically for new versions, abrogation the end user to put it out of their apperception if they prefer. Combined with their Turbo Bootstrap feature, downloading and syncing the absolute blockchain is supposed to alone booty a few minutes, depending on the internet acceleration and accepted arrangement congestion.

Users will additionally accept admission to a “News Ticker” on their overview tab that brings the best contempo VeriCoin account posts to them and displays a articulation to the articles.

As an added benefit to the wallet upgrade, users can now set the cardinal of decimal places acclimated to appearance VeriCoin amounts. It may not assume like much, but as the contempo “bits vs. Satoshi” agitation aural the bitcoin association fairs, cryptocurrency users can be absolutely best and appetite that abandon aural their wallet and services.

The decimal abode option, News Ticker, and Auto-Update are all features requested by the community, and it looks like the development aggregation was listening. Coincidentally, associates of the association will additionally be able to appeal new appearance and affix with others in the new babble tab, utilizing an chip IRC babble channel.

Furthermore, users will be able to analysis out the official forums and cross the blockchain all from their wallet, array of like a congenital browser. Users can analysis out and analyze the blockchain, examination all abundant and pertinent advice including an abode search, account of the richest addresses, better wallets and alike added to be apparent aloft release.

After they’re done there, users can barrel over to the anew advised “Get VeriCoin” tab that’s replacing the old “Buy VRC” one. With an continued account abounding of adapted exchanges, anyone can buy the cryptocurrency with either acceptable bill or bitcoin anon from the wallet.

Finally, accessory adjustments to the belvedere will cycle out aloft release, including convenient options to advancement the wallet.dat book or admit a Rescan of the blockchain for wallet transactions.

“We abide to add functionality, account and innovation,” the VeriCoin aggregation said. “This is aloof the alpha of what, we believe, will be an amazing year for VeriCoin, our association and the banking technology area in general.”

What do you anticipate of the new VeriCoin wallet features? Anything you appetite to see in the future? Let us apperceive in the comments!

Images address of the VeriCoin team