Want John McAfee to Promote Your Cryptocurrency? It’ll Cost You $105,000 Per Tweet
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Want John McAfee to Promote Your Cryptocurrency? It’ll Cost You $105,000 Per Tweet

THELOGICALINDIAN - After abounding individuals speculated that cryptocurrency backer John McAfee was charging for promotional tweets the computer programmer is now aboveboard affairs his tweets for six abstracts each

British-American computer programmer and agent John McAfee, who abundantly founded software aggregation McAfee Associates, has been a arguable amount in cryptocurrency back — able-bodied — the beginning.

Now, afterwards months of belief afterward daily-turned-weekly cryptocurrency appearance on Twitter, McAfee has appear that he absolutely accuse a exceptional for a promotional cheep — article that was not ahead fabricated bright during a run of cogent bazaar manipulation.

For a distinct promotional tweet, McAfee accuse $105,000, according to the newly-founded McAfee Crypto Team. Claims the group’s official website:


The affirmation isn’t wrong. McAfee’s tweets conspicuously became hot bolt afterwards the arguable accessible amount tweeted about Verge (XVG), which after acquired a massive amount spike.

Afterward, allegations were fabricated that McAfee was acquisitive Sunerok, the architect of Verge. According to Verge apostle XVGWhale, McAfee addled his abutment for Verge because the architect bootless to pay him $1.1 actor dollars in ether (ETH), aggressive to abort the activity with bogus FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt).

Verge ultimately did abatement victim to FUD and, now, these allegations don’t assume that unbelievable. To this day, McAfee still denies he claimed Verge (XVG) had the abeyant to become the world’s arch aloofness bread — and has deleted above tweets which absolutely fabricated adventurous statements about the cryptocurrency’s value.

Of course, Verge isn’t the alone cryptocurrency to get the McAfee treatment. In fact, he’s acquainted added bill and ICOs than you can apparently remember.

Motherboard collected all of the cryptocurrency bill’s tweets from December 15 until January 10 and analyzed them adjoin the amount histories of the cryptocurrencies he tweeted about. The address states:

Motherboard additionally speculated — as did abounding others — that McAfee was demography allotment in pump and dump schemes to about-face a quick and massive accumulation on cryptocurrencies accomplished for a amount spike.

Now, the adumbration that he accuse for tweets alone leads to added belief that McAfee has potentially been acceleration bottomward on his adumbral profiteering.

Either way, you apparently shouldn’t put abundant banal in his assessment — accustomed that he’ll abettor annihilation for the appropriate price.

What do you anticipate of McAfee’s promotional tweets? Do you assurance his opinion, or do you anticipate he’s aloof little added than a paid shill? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Flickr, Verge, Twitter/@officialmcafee.