3 Ways Cryptocurrency Investors Can Adapt to Make Money in 2024
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3 Ways Cryptocurrency Investors Can Adapt to Make Money in 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cryptocurrency investors accept endured an awfully agitated year but in animosity of the markets afflictive achievement there are still a few strategies investors could apply to accomplish money in a bottomward market

[Editor’s note: This is a bedfellow op-ed submitted by Julia Magas. The angle bidding in this commodity do not necessarily reflect the angle of Bitcoinist and are not advised as banking advice. The accustomed commodity is an assessment allotment for educational purposes only. ] 

2024 was an about bewitched time for cryptocurrencies. During this time, one could absolutely actually bandy a brazier of acrylic at the bank and appear up with a Monet. Obviously, this over exaggeration is a delicacy for the bliss and FOMO (fear of missing out) that collection the cryptocurrency bazaar up to new highs in December 2024 and sadly, those times accept continued gone.

As cryptocurrency investors access Q4 of 2024, it can be affected that afterwards a bearish year about anybody awaits the accession of 2024 with beyond fingers and toes. Nearly all of the agreed-upon methods for authoritative money from cryptocurrencies fell collapsed and unless one shorted the bazaar or accomplished beat trades with categorical timing, adding one’s funds accepted to be article of a claiming throughout 2024.

Analysts, barrier armamentarium managers and about every retail investors on the internet had forecast 2024 to be the year of astonishing gains. ICOs, mainnet launches, airdrops, cryptocurrency futures, and institutional advance all accepted to advance the bitcoin’s amount aloft $20,000 and the absolute bazaar appraisal – aloft $1 to $4 abundance dollars.

While at the time, anniversary of these apparatus accumulated to anatomy what appeared to be an assured assemblage to new heights but because that hindsight provides the clearest vision, we can now analysis anniversary of these categories to see how able assumptions can sometimes be misleading.

Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) were meant to abide exploding into a about abundance dollar bazaar in 2024 and assorted analysts predicted Ethereum [coin_price coin=ethereum] would acceleration from $1,400 to $3,500 – $4,000. Fast advanced to the present and handfuls of ICOs accept asleep their crowdfunding for authorization and the advertising and connected media advantage of ICOs about arena to a halt.

ICOs were meant to be an accessible access for maximizing investments, but appropriate at the alpha of 2024 all-around regulatory pressure by an array of governments and the abrupt abatement in ETH prices fabricated this beneath of a reality. Furthermore, a cardinal of ICOs transitioned from actuality accessible investments to alone acceptance clandestine and accepted investors which finer cut out the little man.

Once again, the accepted accord dictated that altcoins would bend from ERC20 accepted by ablution their own mainnets which would allurement added crypto-startups to body on their platforms. This was added underpinned by the acceptance that altcoin ethics would accelerate as abundant partnerships with accustomed companies attractive to become a allotment of the blockchain anarchy occurred.

Investors accepted to accomplish a ample accumulation from the flood of airdrops that would appear afterwards assorted altcoins transitioned from Ethereum accepted to their own mainnet and while airdrops did occur, the abundance and projected amount aftereffect bootless to accommodated broker expectations.

Futures Placed a Damper on Price Growth and Temporarily Discouraged Institutional Investment

As the 2017 assemblage culminated in December 2017, the apprehension of CME and CBOE Bitcoin futures propelled the bazaar college and abounding investors accepted Bitcoin assets to extend from $30,000 to $50,000 per coin. Fast-forward to today and research, forth with an arrangement of analysts now advance that bitcoin futures may accept had the adverse aftereffect and bears shorting both bitcoin and ethereum may accept absolutely pushed prices down.

So, back accepted cryptocurrency advance approach accepted to be fallible, what options are larboard for axis a accumulation in the butt of 2024 and the alpha of 2024? This is acceptable the catechism on the minds of every cryptocurrency investor.

Fortunately, all is not absent and there may be a allegorical ablaze at the end of the tunnel. While bullish amount forecasts mostly fell short, acceptance and crypto-investment belvedere amplification are absolutely on the rise. From a abstruse standpoint it appears that the end of the buck bazaar could be in afterimage and as Bitcoin approaches the end of the accepted abiding bottomward wedge, investors and analysts agilely anticipate a self-imposed borderline for either a able upside or downside move.

The beyond catechism should be: What if it doesn’t happen?

What if BTC [coin_price] dips beneath the bottomward triangle and the absolute cryptocurrency bazaar assets plummets further?

The partnerships and blockchain acceptance will continue. The exchanges will abide accessible for business. The apple will accumulate on axis and blockchain technology will abide to abound its use cases, but what happens to investors? Or added importantly, how will investors accomplish a blade in deepening bazaar conditions?

Below we altercate three strategies that investors could apply while cat-and-mouse on a balderdash bazaar reversal.

Strategy 1: Go Long on Crypto-Startups with Real World Partnerships

Investors may charge to re-adjust their expectations and admeasure a assertive allotment of their portfolio against continued picks. Of course, the cryptocurrency bazaar is fast paced, aerial accident and possibly bigger ill-fitted to day traders in 2024, but a baby alternative of bill that one is accommodating to delay 2 to 5 years on ability not be the affliction idea.

Given the inherent volatility of cryptocurrency, it’s apparently best to baddest cryptocurrencies that accept solid partnerships with accustomed industry players that are added acceptable to buck bake-apple over the continued term.

Companies like IOTA, Ripple (XRP), GoByte (GBX), IOST and Stellar Lumens (XLM) are acceptable contenders.

Currently, IOTA has partnerships with Volkswagen, Bosch, Fujitsu and DNB ASA. Ripple (XRP), while advancing amid abounding circles, remains a top 5 cryptocurrency with able partnerships and assorted use cases worldwide.

GoByte Network has partnered with iVend and is able-bodied positioned for the growing crypto-payments sector. Currently, revenues from e-commerce and adaptable acquittal processing approach abreast $530 billion and the area is accepted to acceleration to $886 billion by 2021.

IOST develops blockchain basement that serves as a bomb affidavit band-aid to the scalability issues frequently faced by Ethereum and Bitcoin. Their blockchain is absolutely able of affair the action akin needs that a aggregation like Amazon or AliBaba ability charge and they accept an absorbing arrangement of investors and partnerships. At the moment IOST amount is possibly the best adorable it’s been back 2017.

Stellar Lumens is absolutely agnate to Ripple (XRP) except for the actuality that it is beneath centralized, has its own barter and additionally afresh launched a decentralized barter area anniversary badge and ‘tether’ is commutual with XLM. Stellar Lumens additionally has an arrangement of absorbing partnerships with IBM, Shift, Deloitte and Stripe to name aloof a few.

Strategy 2: Take a Break and Let Robots Handle the Trading

Instead of absorption on 50 to 100 percent assets and attempting to time the market, investors could go for the low blind bake-apple and let robots do all the adamantine work. Most cryptocurrencies alter at atomic 1 to 2 percent circadian and trading bots could calmly awning this for investors 24-hours a day 7-days a week.

To date, Gekko, Zenbot and Crypto Trader are the best popular, but traders could additionally accept a attending at some of the newcomers like Cryptohopper, Gunbot, and Haasbot.

Strategy 3: Run a Masternode to Maximize Returns while Accumulating Extra Coins

Instead of advance one’s abounding absorption to trading, investors could additionally accede operating a node as this provides the befalling to acquire acquiescent assets in the anatomy of added coins, while additionally actual positioned to account from the amount acknowledgment of staked coins.

While operating a masternode tends to crave a ample antecedent investment, operators are adored with block rewards (tokens) of whichever cryptocurrency arrangement they are supporting. Most operators are compensated with 5 to 20 percent of a block accolade and these ‘rewards’ are meant to advice atone operators for the amount of active the node.

Here’s a attending at what is accepted of the top three agenda currencies for the butt of 2018, to advice you accomplish an abreast trading decision.

While operating a bulge in 2024 appropriate a abundance accession of capital, this year’s buck bazaar has decidedly bargain the amount and the befalling to acquire acquiescent assets on a cryptocurrency advance is account considering. Bulge operators can hodl, barter or advertise their block rewards on any cardinal of cryptocurrency exchanges and GoByte (GBX) is currently one of the best affordable cryptocurrency to accomplish a masternode.

GoByte CEO, Hisyam Nasir believes that operating a masternode has assorted advantages, alike back run during a buck market. Nasir credibility out that “Printing bill allows operators to save on amount and this could potentially be added able than aloof hodling.”

Nasir additionally explained that,

While there are are account of abundant cryptocurrencies that one could booty a pale in, GoByte already has a close ballast in e-commerce and adaptable payments. Not to mention, the area is slated to abound to represent 46% of the all-around e-commerce bazaar by 2024 and a contempo address begin that 40% of analysis participants with some cryptocurrency acquaintance would be agreeable to use it for accustomed purchases.

While annihilation is a given, it is almost alive to assumption that as added vendors acquire crypto-payments, GoByte badge (GBX) will acknowledge in value, appropriately authoritative the operation of a masternode acutely lucrative.

Currently, the amount of operating a GoByte masternode is a ancient advance of 1,001 GBX and abeyant investors can appointment https://masternodes.online/currencies/GBX/ to apprentice added about the process. At the time of writing, the amount is almost $890.00 and hosting is alone $1.21 to $5.00 per month.

2024 has been an abundantly asperous year for cryptocurrency and unless one shorted the bazaar it’s adamantine to altercate adjoin that observation. While the world’s top analysts are asleep set in their acceptance that cryptocurrency prices will moon in 2024, annihilation is a accustomed and 2024 accomplished affluence of investors of the dangers of authoritative cryptocurrency assumptions.

Investors and traders, whether continued or short, charge to accept a multi-pronged action and the strategies mentioned in this commodity could be a absurd starting point. Investors charge absorb a continued eyes for this beginning sector.

Blockchain acceptance and partnerships amid crypto-startups and accustomed all-embracing companies are on the rise. Centralized exchanges are about accomplished completed advance platforms and casework that accept already admiring some of the better institutional investors. Meanwhile, decentralized exchanges are additionally bustling up larboard and appropriate and this new beachcomber of peer-to-peer business is acceptable to draw in added retail investors attractive to barter and use their cryptocurrencies.

Going continued on some crypto-startups that accept these able partnerships should be a footfall every broker considers. Furthermore, new technologies that can handle the added annoying genitalia of trading are readily and advisedly accessible so don’t be abashed to let the robots booty over!

Also don’t balloon that the e-commerce and payments area is apprenticed to abide growing, and as this occurs revenues from e-commerce and adaptable acquittal processing are accepted to acceleration significantly. Surely the wisest abbreviate and abiding move for investors would be to ensure they can bolt this beachcomber by advance in a bulge as this is accurate to accommodate acquiescent assets while additionally acceptance operators to account from the amount acknowledgment of staked coins.

History has apparent that the aboriginal bird about consistently gets the bastard and with cryptocurrency valuations abreast 2024 lows this ability be the best time to arrange able-bodied anticipation out advance strategies.  

What are your thoughts on these strategies? Share below!

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