Bitcoin Remains Most Popular Crypto, Says UK Regulator

Bitcoin Remains Most Popular Crypto, Says UK Regulator


Bitcoin (BTC) charcoal the best-known cryptocurrency in the United Kingdom, but that’s not adage much. Just over bisected of the country’s crypto investors accept bought the aboriginal agenda asset, according to a recent report. But the aforementioned address reveals that accepted acquaintance about agenda assets charcoal almost low.

The survey, which was conducted by the U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), looked into alteration attitudes appear basic currencies. Published yesterday, the abstraction begin that 51% of all respondents that had anytime invested in cryptocurrency had bought Bitcoin.

Out of added than 2,100 investors who alternate in the study, 70% said that they either hadn’t heard of cryptocurrency or could not ascertain what it was. Out of the 30% who did apperceive what crypto was, the FCA estimates that 1 in 10 had absolutely bought some.

Many respondents additionally said that they saw crypto as a chancy investment, with 71% adage it was a accident they were able to take. 31% of those who did advance alone did so as a gamble, and 30% had bought crypto as allotment of a added advance portfolio.

18% of respondents said they anticipation they accepted to accomplish money quickly, with alone 4% adage they bought because of FOMO – abhorrence of missing out.

Although Bitcoin was the best accepted basic asset, Ether (ETH) wasn’t far behind. One in three of analysis respondents had purchased Ether. Litecoin (LTC), XRP and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) all angry with 20% acknowledging that they had bought these assets.

A abbreviate majority of investors – 57% – said they had alone anytime bought one agenda currency.

Rock basal Bitcoin awareness

More than a decade old, Bitcoin charcoal the poster-boy for the crypto world. There are far added searches for ‘Bitcoin, than there are for the broader term, ‘cryptocurrency’, according to Google Trends. Bitcoin dominance, which was added than 90% of the absolute bazaar cap until as afresh as 2017, still hovers aloft 51%.

Nonetheless, cryptocurrency acquaintance in the UK charcoal low, compared with added countries. A abstraction conducted by YouGov aftermost year begin that about 80% of American citizens knew at atomic one blazon of agenda asset, with best adage they had heard about Bitcoin.

Even Chile had a bigger account than the UK.  Despite accepting alone one tenth of the UK’s GDP, about 40% of Chileans say they accept heard about cryptocurrencies, according to a study aftermost October by the country’s banking regulator.

Anthony Broderick, analyst and media editor at CoinSchedule, a cryptocurrency abstracts provider, said the after-effects showed added assignment to be done.

“If as an industry we can assignment to brainwash consumers on the allowances of cryptoassets, about to bequest systems, and abode the affair of assurance again there is cogent abeyant to actualize a new (and inclusive) banking arrangement backed by cyptoassets,” Broderick wrote in an email.

Nick Cowan, managing administrator and architect of the Gibraltar Stock Exchange (GSX), said adopting cryptocurrency acquaintance should become a antecedence in the UK. He wrote: “The actuality that over 70% of those surveyed haven’t heard of cryptocurrencies or are clumsy to ascertain cryptocurrencies underlines the burning charge for added attainable apprenticeship on blockchain and agenda assets.”

“Education about blockchain technology and agenda assets is intrinsically affiliated to the abiding advance of the industry globally,” he added.

The columnist is invested in agenda assets, including BTC and ETH which are mentioned in this article.