Celer Networks In Talks To Help NEO Scale Further

Celer Networks In Talks To Help NEO Scale Further

THELOGICALINDIAN - Celer could be chip on top of NEO Trinity

The Celer Network (CELR) could become a ascent band-aid for assorted blockchains. Representatives of the NEO aggregation are discussing the achievability of amalgam Celer’s layer-two ascent agreement with NEO’s blockchain platform.

NEO has already chip with Trinity Network, an absolute off-chain ascent agreement developed centralized by NEO developers. John Wang, NEO’s Director of Eco Growth and the $100M EcoBoost fund, says that an affiliation with Celer is now “under discussion.”

The Celer Network is advised as a scalable payments band-aid that uses acute affairs and DAG-based sidechains to facilitate fast and feeless transactions. Advocates say it is fifteen times faster than Bitcoin’s Lightning Network.

CELR tokens are acclimated as a agency to alteration amount beyond the network. There accept been three badge offerings so far, and the best contempo auction on Binance Launchpad raised more than $4M for the project.

Celer is blockchain-agnostic and can run on assorted chains simultaneously. It already supports Ethereum, Oasis, Thunder (TT) and the DLT billow accretion project, Dfinity. The agreement is open-source, so any blockchain can accommodate by autograph out the all-important apparatus and acute arrangement connections

The Celer aggregation is additionally appear to be absorbed in interoperability belvedere Polkadot, which ability accord basic chains admission to bigger scalability.

The EcoBoost fund, apparent aback in May, will accommodate accounts and abiding abutment for projects that account and strengthen the broader ecosystem.

The NEO amount aggregation is currently focused on developing its adaptation 3.0, which will advance adherence and scalability as a agency to draw users aback to the network.

According to John Wang, NEO’s accepted antecedence is basement projects. “A accessible blockchain is added than a currency: it needs to accept the basement for lots of users to appear to it…to accredit bodies to do anything,” he said. The aftermost brace of months accept been adherent to creating the abutment arrangement and the aboriginal tranche of admission receivers will be appear after this month.

Based on the roadmap, NEO 3.0 should be accessible ancient in Q1 2020. If the talks go according to plan, Celer may be a allotment of the new roll-out.

The Chinese behemothic will apparatus SingularityNET AI technology

Singularity Studio, the for-profit aftereffect of the SingularityNET project, a decentralized AI casework marketplace, has active a “Strategic Cooperation Memorandum” with PICC Financial Services, a Fintech-focused accessory of the state-owned People’s Insurance Company of China. 

The affiliation was active to advance AI and blockchain-based fintech solutions, with PICC FS delineating a abundant plan for the deployment of AI services, allotment of a absolute action of internationalization of PICC’s fintech operation.

Singularity will additionally accommodate abutment to the affiliation amid PICC Financial Services and the Plug & Play Tech centermost in China, in adjustment to accessible a Beijing-based accelerator that will advance analysis initiatives, date training programs and authority events.

PICC FS is additionally accepted to assignment with the SingularityNET-affiliated AGI Society to advance the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) apprenticeship and analysis in China.

Gu Wei, CEO of PICC Financial Services, declared that the allowance industry is already acquainted with AI and blockchain tech. “Currently we arrange AI and blockchain solutions beyond a ambit of artefact curve and services,” noted Wei. “This Strategic Partnership accelerates our AI development affairs and provides a belvedere for all-around expansion.”

Specifically, the affiliation will focus on AI uses inherent to the allowance industry, such as AI-enabled marketing, linguistic and articulation recognition, acute appraisal and adjustment of claims, and the use of the blockchain to administer the accumulation alternation and analyze fraud. 

SingularityNET is a Netherlands-based activity that aims to added AI development and implementation, alms a decentralized exchange for AI casework and training data, powered by the proprietary AGI token. It has anchored several high-profile partnerships, such as Domino’s Pizza and China’s Ping An allowance company.