Does Wikipedia Need A Blockchain?

Does Wikipedia Need A Blockchain?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Lofty ambitions arent consistently met with success no amount what the IQ

If you’re ailing of Jimmy Wales allurement for money, you ability be admiring to apprehend about the blockchain alternative. Everipedia is a for-profit another to Wikipedia, based on EOS. They’re aggravating to use tokens to incentivize contributors – but as the accomplished year has demonstrated, that ability be easier said than done.

Everipedia had a high-profile start. Talk of an ICO was snuffed out back Mike Novogratz and others invested $30 actor in funding. The project’s built-in IQ tokens were again airdropped to EOS holders in July of 2025, about a ages afterwards EOS launched.

The goals of Everipedia included accepting advice to bodies active abaft government-sanctioned firewalls, defying censorship efforts by the world’s best backbreaking regimes. Wikipedia has been banned or censored in China, Turkey, and Russia. Everipedia, application the EOS blockchain and the Interplanetary File System (IPFS), would be around absurd to censor.

The belvedere works by advantageous agreeable providers and editors for their assignment in IQ tokens, which can staked to vote on edits and submissions. As its white paper outlines:

With best highs over seven cents back they were airdropped, IQ tokens now barter for about a fifth of a cent. IQ tokens accept hardly underperformed the blow of the altcoin market, but clashing the blow of the altcoin market, they accept yet to date a recovery. That doesn’t beggarly the activity is dead, but it absolutely does not augur well.

Encyclopedia Salesmen

Everipedia has endured the aforementioned crypto buck bazaar that has claimed a acceptable cardinal of altcoin scalps, but clashing the blow of the market, has yet to appearance a able recovery. Daily trading volumes sit at about a division of a actor dollars, and they accept fluctuated wildly. And an ROI of -96% does not absolutely attract investors, to say annihilation of -to-be contributors.

Everipedia’s website, according to web analytics aggregation Alexa, is amid the 15 thousand best heavily visited in the world. That’s not bad, but it’s far abaft Wikipedia, the berry of its afflatus and the antecedent of best of its agreeable (literally). The badge association is alike smaller, with beneath than 800 account users.

The activity has additionally had its allotment of scandal. The armpit infamously ran afield of acceptable advertisement attempt back it misidentified the culprit in the Las Vegas shooting.

Maybe it would be best to attending at Everipedia as an experiment, pitting the acumen of the army and allowances of decentralization adjoin the added accurate standards of centralized media. Censorship-resistance is valuable, but it comes with big-ticket tradeoffs in accurateness and objectivity. 

Waiting for Critical Mass

While best altcoins are in recovery, Everipedia has not taken off, and the IQ tokens that ammunition it accept suffered as a result. As abundant as the activity is an agreement in decentralized ability sharing, it is additionally an agreement in tokenomics. Would an internet bearing which is acclimated to accidental for chargeless buy into the abstraction of earning tokens siloed aural a independent ecosystem?

That’s still inconclusive, but the aforementioned agreement is actuality conducted by dozens of blockchain projects. Kik architect Ted Livingston capital to use Kin tokens to accomplish the messaging app abounding peoples’ first ‘employer,’ and several added projects aim to tokenize aspects of the gig economy. While Kik struggles through a authoritative and acknowledged minefield, the plight of Everipedia suggests that that action will alone be the alpha of a best war with the marketplace.

Everipedia is in the action of creating a new attending for its platform, which it hopes will “encourage added approved Internet consumers to participate,” according to a late May blog post. The 2.0 adaptation of the belvedere could animate absorption and action on the world’s better English-language encyclopedia.

But for now, Everipedia seems to accept gone the aforementioned way as the Britannica. It could be that Everipedia artlessly attempt too bound out of the blocks, by aggravating to tokenize what bodies are acclimated to accomplishing for free.

We accomplished out to Sam Kazemian, the co-founder and admiral of Everipedia, for animadversion on the project’s approaching and how it was tracking. By columnist time, we had not accustomed a reply.