ICO Platforms That Might Surprise You

ICO Platforms That Might Surprise You


When best bodies anticipate of ICOs, they anticipate of Ethereum. The decentralized computer has been a admired belvedere of antecedent bread offerings for so continued that they ability as able-bodied be synonymous. Sure, there are a lot of altered cars, but they mostly drive on Ethereum’s anchorage and pump Ethereum’s gas. 

At least, that’s how things acclimated to be. These canicule there are abounding new cartage on the highway, and the gas stations accept recharging stations, too. EOS and Tron are aperture accelerated railways, Stellar’s got an electric plane, and alike Skycoin is ablution a blimp. 

What’s Wrong With Ethereum?

While it’s adamantine to say that there’s annihilation considerately wrong with the additional better cryptocurrency, the engineering decisions abaft it came with affluence of tradeoffs. One of them is the acclaimed ascent debate, a botheration which has created several cat-related cartage jams. Another is the proof-of-work system, the disability of which has acquired abounding arch abstracts to abutment a bit-by-bit clearing to staking. 

Those bottlenecks accept apprenticed abounding cryptonauts to acquisition another modes of carriage for their tokens.

So here’s a quick briefing of alternatives to the Ethereum belvedere for ICOs.


It’s not adamantine to see why ICOs would adopt Stellar’s low-fee, five-second affairs over Ethereum’s airy gas prices. The Stellar arrangement is now home to a accomplished constellation of ICOs: Mobius, billed as “the Stripe for Blockchain,” austere $39 actor in its badge auction beforehand this year. We’ve additionally covered Pigzby, an ambrosial app that teaches kids to be their own back bank. 

Part of Stellar’s advantage is a added failing codebase. Unlike Ethereum, Stellar is not Turing Complete: it can’t handle the aforementioned circuitous contracts, any added than Bitcoin can. But it can move its tokenized assets a lot added calmly than ERC-20s, and Stellar’s native Decentralized Exchange makes the action a lot simpler than Bitfinex.

“We believe Arch is the best best for ICOs that do not crave circuitous acute contracts,” the aggregation said on its blog. “Stellar’s primary ambition is to facilitate arising and trading tokens, abnormally those angry to acknowledged commitments by accepted organizations, such as claims on real-world assets or authorization currency.”

As an archetype of this affectionate of token, Stellar architect Jed McCaleb uses the archetype of a coded bond. Using a acute contract, debtors can accord their creditors through tokens that can be exchanged as calmly as Stellar Lumens. By programming debt, the band badge “becomes an asset that can be traded amid accounts and it will abide to affair the band interests payments to whatever the accepted annual that owns it is.”

dPOS Systems

After the accomplished year, EOS, NEO and Tronix accept been covered so thoroughly that they will not charge any addition to approved readers. Although they are actual altered projects, they’re all presented as solutions to Ethereum’s (perceived) problems.

They’re all Turing-complete but, clashing Ethereum, they use variations of proof-of-stake protocols in favor of mining. They additionally abode addition perceived shortcoming: instead of Solidity, their acute affairs use added commonly-used programming languages.

Tron has aloof started digging, but NEO and EOS are already bottomless aerial holes for tokenized offerings.

Ethereum Classic

Most bodies forgot all about Ethereum Classic afterwards the 2015 fork, back Vitalik Buterin and the blow of the Foundation absolved out with about 90% of the hashrate. Since both Ethereums (Etherea??) aggregate best of the aforementioned functionality, it’s no abruptness that best ICOs went with the beyond network. 

But Classic still has users, and that agency are still adopting funds for developments. Although the ecosystem is a bit of a desert, there are some plants demography root: including Saturn, an inter-blockchain decentralized exchange which has additionally issued tokens on added platforms.  Another, Corion, provides a decentralized exchange, wallet, and called token. And back Eth Classic is now supported by Coinbase, there could be a awakening of greater consequence in the offing.


Yes, accept it or not, those complicated Bitcoin blocks can additionally accommodate ICO tokens. The Omni layer, which consists of a additional band on top of Bitcoin, includes affairs in added agenda assets as well. It’s like a additional accounting-book, accounting into the margins of the Bitcoin Ledger—with hundreds of bags of transactions.  

There aren’t a lot of ICOs on the Bitcoin Chain, and best of them predate Ethereum. Besides the Omni Token (launched in 2014, currently ranked 498), MaidSafeCoin is abreast the top, and has captivated its amount surprisingly well back 2014. Like Siacoin and Storj, MaidSafeCoin represents a arrangement for users to hire out their accretion assets via the blockchain. 

There’s one added badge active on Bitcoin which you’ve apparently heard of: Tether, the arch stablecoin and a admired bête noire for Bloomberg and added crypto-skeptics. At $ 2.6 Bn by bazaar cap, Tether constitutes the lion’s allotment of the Omni layer. And, although it has affluence of investors, this is one badge we don’t apprehend to moon. 

…..and others

If that wasn’t abundant to remember, there’s a accomplished orchard of blockchain copse which are aloof starting to buck fruit. Besides Zilliqa, Qtum, Lisk, and the blow of the crypto-alphabet-soup, some earlier platforms are starting to analyze acute arrangement functionality. 

Ripple, whose founding aggregation absolutely distanced itself from ICOs, will nonetheless accept to allotment its XRP Ledger with Allvor tokens. Bitcoin Cash afresh addled a set of programming switches, enabling it to run dApps and simple acute contracts; Calvin Ayre has offered a abundant accolade for anyone who can add asset tokens. And Skycoin, which has spent bristles years developing its “better than blockchain” Fiber platform, already has at atomic one ICO cat-and-mouse in the wings.

That ability assume like a continued time, but they were active abacus their own cats.

The columnist is invested in Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and added cryptocurrencies mentioned in this article.