Initiative Q Has Fintech Fuddled: Free Money For Everyone?

Initiative Q Has Fintech Fuddled: Free Money For Everyone?


Every so often, Crypto Briefing puts on a brace of elastic gloves to abrade the dregs out of our spam folders.  We’ve accustomed barely-literate tip-offs for every crazy abstraction beneath the sun—lotteries, tontines, bank dApps, and several schemes shaped like the old, accustomed tetrahedron, as able-bodied as every added geometric figure. 

Lately there’s article abroad communicable our eyes: Initiative Q, a analytical get-rich-quick plan that doesn’t alike ask for money. We’re not absolutely abiding what to accomplish of it, but appropriate now it’s added viral than Psy accomplishing the Harlem Shake. 

Initiative Q assures us that it’s not a cryptocurrency, and it doesn’t appetite our money. That’s a little adamantine to believe, as the website ticks every box on our arid list: a catchy, techno-mystical name, a ticker counting bottomward until the chargeless money runs out,  artificial absence (“by allure only!”) , and a beautiful animation warning, “don’t absence your chance!”

The alone things missing are a copy-and-paste LinkedIn team, a arguable white paper, and a javascript particles background, fora quixotic John de Lancie… sorry, John McAfee… to bound on lath with a alternation of agog tweets.

Qu’est-ce Q c’est?

Let’s alpha by bold what seems, to many,  impossible. In added words, let’s booty Initiative Q at its face value, as an ardent access at rebuilding the banking world, through….something. 

Here’s the aperture pitch:

Today’s acquittal systems (credit cards, cash, wire transfers) are old and outdated, which agency we’re all address accidental costs….

So why don’t we already accept newer, bigger systems? Because there’s a “chicken and egg” barrier — no client will accompany a new acquittal arrangement with no sellers, and no agent will action a new acquittal advantage that no client uses.

It’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy. As millions join, avant-garde acquittal technologies are deployed, the acquittal arrangement becomes alike added popular, the Q bill becomes valuable, and rewards accustomed to aboriginal users ability their abeyant value.

Advanced acquittal technologies are deployed? By whom? Where? How?

Apparently, the ambush to amalgam a banking arrangement is award bodies who like chargeless money. For this acute insight, Initiative Q gets a gold star.

Like a Crypto, Without the Math Or Economics

The blow of the plan seems aboveboard abundant that it ability absolutely be sincere. Like an ICO, you get added “Q” tokens by abutting early… all you accept to do is accord up your email address, and your friends’ email addresses, and advance Q on amusing media.

Then there’s the money supply, and that’s area the fun begins. Instead of a anchored supply, or an algorithmically bent aggrandizement rate, Q’s money accumulation is managed in the aforementioned way as your boondocks Zoning Board:

Initiative Q will affection a budgetary board that is absolute of the Initiative Q accumulated entity, to be appointed via voting by all stakeholders in the Q acquittal network. This board will be in allegation of ambience and active the budgetary policy: free how abounding Qs to add or abolish from circulation, and through which budgetary instruments….

We ambition there were more, but that’s all there is to it. There’s no adumbration of how this “monetary committee” will be chosen, or its qualifications, or its bread-and-butter philosophy; all the adamantine questions are larboard as an exercise for the reader.

But according to the project’s website, it’s reasonable to accept that it will be account $2 trillion, due to some affected babble about the acceleration of money.

There is a lot of this cackle on their website. Important-sounding agreement that are beggared of acceptation due to a complete abridgement of detail and context.

What’s the Point?

All of which leaves us abrading our active and apprehensive why addition expended the accomplishment to accomplish article this sketchy. It would be one affair if I.Q. captivated up with an adorable action to “become your own boss,” but they don’t alike assume to be allurement for money (yet).

One possibility, appropriate by crypto-skeptics like David Gerard, is that IQ is artlessly an busy way of accession a account of believing people, accumulated with their email addresses and their abutting friends. In the appropriate circles, that account could be account added than a set of Cutco knives.

As the website claims… “Initiative Q can additionally apply the latest algorithms to assay individuals’ agenda behavior…


A added absorbing achievability is that this is some affectionate of business stunt—put in your email, and anybody gets a “gotcha!” explainer on animal credulity. It wouldn’t be the aboriginal time—the Securities and Exchange Commission did about the aforementioned affair with the Howeycoins spoof, although they didn’t go so far as to aggregate anyone’s data. 

So is this could the assignment of a modern-day Satoshi, who accomplished that the appropriate way to body a payments arrangement is to recruit a few actor users through their email addresses?

Or a modern-day Bernie Madoff, who accomplished that the appropriate way to body a payments arrangement (that pays him) is to recruit a few actor users through their email addresses?

You decide.

P.S. But that’s not all! When you assurance up for Initiative Q today, we’ll bandy in a SECOND SET of Qs FREE! Offer not accessible in all jurisdictions, altitude apply, see our ad in Good Housekeeping for details.

The author is not invested in Initiative Q.