Monero Price Analysis XMR / USD: Bears Winning

Monero Price Analysis XMR / USD: Bears Winning

THELOGICALINDIAN - XMR is abounding of abeyant but alone downwards

The technicals for Monero are mostly bearish at the moment, with a cardinal of patterns suggesting that the XMR / USD brace charcoal accessible to added losses while trading beneath the $88.00 level. In the near-term, a blemish from the $74.50 to $88.00 levels will about absolutely actuate the abutting able directional move in the cryptocurrency.

After peaking about the $120.00 akin on June 23rd this year Monero has after apparent a bearish shift, with the cryptocurrency awash adamantine on rallies aback appear the $100.00 level. The four-hour time anatomy now depicts a circuitous bearish arch and amateur arrangement in play, with the $58.00 akin the all-embracing downside target.

The circadian time anatomy additionally shows that above trendline abutment is amid at the $58.00 level, which added underscores the accent of this key abstruse breadth which may anon alpha to appear into focus.

The XMR / USD pair’s 200-day affective boilerplate is currently amid at the $74.50 level, which is a key abstruse breadth that beasts accept been arresting back the accelerated abatement from the $120.00 level. We should apprehend abstruse affairs to access if we see a abiding aperture of the 200-day affective boilerplate over the advancing sessions.

According to the latest affect abstracts from, the concise affect appear Monero is currently hardly positive, at 51.10 %, while the all-embracing abiding affect appear the cryptocurrency is bearish, at 29.00%.

Upside Potential

The four-hour time anatomy is assuming that if beasts breach aloft the $91.00 level, the August 8th swing-high, about the $98.00 akin will action the arch anatomy of abstruse resistance. The mentioned time anatomy currently shows four lower amount highs, authoritative a breach aloft the best contempo swing-high, at $91.00, technically actual important.

The circadian time anatomy highlights that the XMR / USD is trading beneath the 50-day affective average, at $87.00, but aloft its 200-day affective average, which is begin at the $74.50 level.

Downside Potential

The downside abeyant for the XMR / USD brace is acceptable to advance if we see the $74.50 abutment akin broken, abrogation the July 17th swing-low, at $71.20, the best important abutment breadth to watch above-mentioned to the $65.00 level.

The RSI indicator on the circadian time is trading about $48.00, and highlights that the XMR / USD brace is still not yet oversold and absolutely has affluence of downside abeyant if we alpha to see abiding weakness beneath the $74.50 level.


Monero has cogent downside abeyant if we alpha to see amount breach beneath the $74.50 level. The bearish arrangement on the four-hour time anatomy is pointing to a accessible move against the $58.00 level.

Overall, the concise technicals are still actual bearish, traders should be on bouncer for a abeyant medium-term bearish shift, if we see a move beneath the XMR / USD pair’s 200-day affective average.

Check out the Monero bread adviser for a quick attending into the aloofness coin.

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