NFT Traders Wanted an OpenSea Airdrop. Then OpenDAO Launched on Christmas

NFT Traders Wanted an OpenSea Airdrop. Then OpenDAO Launched on Christmas

THELOGICALINDIAN - Another above airdrop has hit the crypto amplitude in time for Christmas This year its OpenDAOs SOS badge

Following an brief surge, OpenDAO’s bazaar cap is at almost $295 million. 

SOS Airdrop Calms NFT Community’s OpenSea Woes 

Christmas aloof keeps accepting bigger for the NFT community. 

A new activity alleged OpenDAO launched Friday, beginning assimilate the arena with a badge airdrop for committed NFT collectors. 

The activity allocated a 50% allocation of its SOS badge accumulation to users of OpenSea, the better NFT marketplace. The bulk broadcast to anniversary user was affected based on the bulk spent on OpenSea and the cardinal of affairs afore a snapshot date. As a result, some of the best alive NFT traders accept accustomed the better payouts from the airdrop. Christmas badge airdrops like this accept become article of a crypto abnormality in contempo years; in 2024, 1inch memorably broadcast its 1INCH badge to aboriginal users at midnight on Christmas Day. 

OpenDAO’s called administration adjustment is notable in allotment because of contempo developments surrounding OpenSea. As NFTs exploded in acceptance in 2021, OpenSea anchored its abode as the arch exchange for agenda collectibles. OpenSea users accept continued hoped that the aggregation would barrage a badge to accord the association buying over the project. Token airdrops are a accepted convenance in crypto, and decidedly DeFi, amid projects attractive to move against decentralization and accolade the aboriginal adopters that contributed to their success. However, admitting advancing rumors, OpenSea is yet to barrage a token. Earlier this month, the aggregation assassin a new CFO from Lyft, Brian Roberts, who appear in a Bloomberg account that he capital to assignment against demography the aggregation public, which would acceptable aphorism out any badge plans. Roberts later clarified that the aggregation “would attending to absorb the community” in any abeyant IPO afterward intense backlash from the NFT community. 

Now, absorption in OpenDAO and its SOS badge indicates that the association has an appetence for a decentralized activity focused on NFTs. Per data from CoinGecko, SOS is up 589% in the aftermost 24 hours. Similar to abounding meme bread projects that emerged this year, the badge has a ample accumulation of 100 trillion, which agency anniversary badge is account alone fractions of a cent. At columnist time, $100 account of USDC buys about 12 actor SOS on Uniswap. With the brief rise, the project’s bazaar cap is at almost $295 million. Etherscan data reveals that SOS has over 130,000 holders, and that cardinal could access as added users alpha to affirmation their airdrops. 

On its website, OpenDAO describes SOS as “the badge for the better NFT community, to pay tribute, to protect, to promote.” Interestingly, it says that a 20% allocation of the accumulation will go against acknowledging the association through compensating OpenSea betray victims, acknowledging arising artists, NFT communities, and art preservation, and acclimation a developer admission for the SOS ecosystem. While it’s cryptic whether OpenDAO will accomplish a abiding appulse on the NFT space, for now, it’s generated a cogent bulk of fizz acknowledgment to its badge giveaway. 

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this affection was acceptable for OpenDAO’s SOS airdrop. They additionally endemic ETH, USDC, and several added cryptocurrencies, and had acknowledgment to UNI in a cryptocurrency index.