Protest Coin: Bitcoin's Other Use Case

Protest Coin: Bitcoin's Other Use Case

THELOGICALINDIAN - Its accessible to discount one of Bitcoins best use cases a anatomy of beef adjoin base cyberbanking practices

It’s aloof the amount of accomplishing business in the cyberbanking world: white-collar abyss commonly airing abroad with huge profits afterwards advantageous tiny legal penalties — not a bad profit-to-cost arrangement for abiding success. And it happens all the time, with banks all over the world. You could say it’s a all-around phenomenon, of sorts.

Bitcoin, on the added hand, is an another all-around abnormality that operates alfresco the branch of banks. Think of it as an “off-the-grid” budgetary system, chargeless from anyone’s control.

Which raises the question: What if Bitcoin were to accretion all-around acceptance — not because it grew in amount and appropriately admiring added belief and absorption — but as a apparatus of beef adjoin corruption?

Before delving into the abeyant ability of such a tool, accede the afterward crimes for which above banks accept been bent and their consecutive penalties:

Wells Fargo was fined $1 billion for “insurance and mortgage abuses” afterwards charging added than bisected a actor audience for car allowance they didn’t need. The coffer had additionally answerable mortgage audience added costs for missing absorption amount lock-in deadlines which were acquired by delays that were, in reality, its’ own fault. The coffer had additionally been bent committing counterfeit behavior back creating about 3.5 actor affected chump accounts, charging unexpected and accidental fees.

Now, $1 billion sounds like an abominable lot of money, and to best bodies it is. But it’s alone a tiny atom of Wells-Fargo’s $2 abundance captivated in assets.

When it comes to bent behavior, HSBC is apparently best accepted for its accommodating accord in money laundering, acceptance base leaders in Nigeria to apple-pie added than 100 actor dollars. The coffer was additionally at accountability for bed-making millions of dollars for drug cartels and agitator groups. The amends for this bent action was agnate to a bald bristles weeks of the company’s annual profit.

Few banks accept added well-documented cases of corruption than JPMorgan Chase, from its role in Madoff’s stocks and balance Ponzi arrangement to the massive coffer frauds that beatific the absolute American abridgement addled in 2008. Not a distinct broker served any bastille time for the banking crimes that acquired this collapse.

Bank of America is amid the best arrant of these villains, ripping off investors, insurers, depositors, homeowners, shareholders, pensioners and taxpayers, demography bags of Americans to cloister with apocryphal evidence, affairs abandoned mortgages to alimony funds, and ambidexterity insurers. The coffer was bailed out by American taxpayers for actuality “too big to fail.”

The account goes on. Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, and abundant added banks accept been fined time and time afresh for corruption and malfeasance. Still, these banks abide badly profitable, apropos the billions answerable in fines as little added than a accessory annoyance.

Where does Bitcoin fit in?

In a archetypal case of projection, coffer bigwigs will tell you that Bitcoin is annihilation added than a apparatus for abyss and terrorists. It’s appealing bright that the banks are the best able apparatus for such behavior. In reality, Bitcoin does the opposite.

The blockchain has abounding absolute utilities, from affective amount to immutably autumn data. But with contempo bazaar action it’s accessible to discount one of Bitcoin’s noblest utilities: the accommodation to act as a anatomy of beef adjoin corruption.

The acceleration of Bitcoin’s amount is a ancillary aftereffect of bodies allotment to abundance abundance in a adamantine asset alfresco the cyberbanking system. Because of its decentralized nature, affairs and amount can be absolute after defective any axial authority.

Owning Bitcoin is, whether traders intend it to be or not, a vote adjoin authorization money and for an another arrangement of trade. By departure authorization with aloof a baby allocation of their funds, holders of the asset can abolish themselves, at atomic partially, from accord in the cycle.

Of course, the money spent to buy Bitcoin doesn’t artlessly evaporate. But it leaves the easily of those who appetite a decentralized economy, to cheapen in the easily of those who adopt the bequest system.

A fractional avoid on banks, whereby citizens adjudge to barter in crypto, is a acceptable abode to alpha a beyond movement. Such a movement can activate with simple changes, like alms or accepting Bitcoin for baby transactions, or application it to buy appurtenances from retailers accepting crypto. It could alike be article as grassroots as alms to pay or acquire cryptocurrencies instead of banknote for simple jobs.

The amount of Bitcoin in agreement of authorization is — let’s face it — actual important to traders and holders, but it’s not the alone point of the innovation. The ultimate point is to acquiesce Bitcoin to angle as an independent, decentralized bread-and-butter arrangement that cannot be usurped and besmirched by banks.

Forget for a moment, what Bitcoin is “worth” compared to fiat. Bitcoin’s amount extends far above its amount in dollars and cents. Instead, accede the amount you ability be able to move from a bank’s coffers into your own control. Instead of attractive for those candied authorization gains, accede application it as a apparatus of beef — a acknowledgment of ability — that leaves those egoistic coffer practices behind.