Zcash Price Analysis ZEC / USD: Critical Level

Zcash Price Analysis ZEC / USD: Critical Level

THELOGICALINDIAN - ZEC could about-face bullish if it manages to breach aloft its attrition level

Zcash is starting to arise more absorbing from a abstruse angle as the accepted cryptocurrency trades at its weakest akin back March 2024. Several abstruse indicators are suggesting that the ZEC / USD brace could anon date a bullish changeabout if buyers can authority amount aloft the $44.00 level.

The ZEC / USD brace has suffered eight-straight weeks of losses and alone over fifty percent of its amount back July this year. A bearish arch and amateur arrangement has been rapidly unfolding, afterwards sellers bankrupt through the $75.00 level.

The all-embracing admeasurement of the bearish arch and amateur arrangement still suggests that Zcash could abatement appear the $25.00 level. However, the abatement has created abundant bulk of absolute MACD divergence, which credibility to an closing balance aback appear the $80.00 level.

Furthermore, a ample astern arch and amateur arrangement still charcoal alarming and accurate on the circadian time anatomy while amount trades aloft the $15.00 level. Overall admeasurement of the huge astern arch and amateur arrangement would booty the ZEC / USD brace aback appear the $200.00 akin over the long-term.

With the cryptocurrency bazaar assuming signs of stabilizing in September, it may be time to alpha to attending to Zcash to arise a acceptable recovery, although traders still charge to be alert that the cryptocurrency could still abatement aback against the $25.00 abutment level, afore staging a accretion over the average to long-term.

According to the latest affect abstracts from TheTIE.io, the concise affect appear Zcash is acutely weak, at 19.00 %, while the all-embracing abiding affect appear the cryptocurrency is neutral, at 58.00%.

Upside Potential

The four-hour time anatomy is assuming that the ZEC / USD brace is trapped aural a falling amount channel. Bulls charge to move amount aloft the $50.00 akin to breach chargeless from the amount channel, with the $55.00 akin the foremost attrition above-mentioned to the $67.00 level.

Bullish MACD amount alteration extends aback appear the $80.00 level, we should adviser this alteration potentially actuality eroded, if amount break aloft the $50.00 level. A ample changeabout arrangement could additionally anatomy if amount alcove the $80.00 level.

Downside Potential

The downside abeyant for the ZEC / USD brace could open-up badly if the $45.00 akin is burst over the advancing sessions. The bearish arch and amateur arrangement on the four-hour time anatomy still suggests that the ZEC / USD brace could bead appear the $25.00 level.

From a abiding perspective, the $15.00 akin is key, as it is the arch of a huge astern arch and shoulders, and an breadth of analytical abstruse importance.


The concise technicals Zcash will become credible already a blemish from the $45.00 to $50.00 amount ambit occurs.

Overall, a acceptable accretion appear the $80.00 akin can booty abode if we alpha to see the ZEC / USD brace breaking aloft the $50.00 attrition level.

Check out our bread adviser for Zcash for a quick overview of the project.

A added dive is accessible in our DARE analytic report.