Zilliqa Price Analysis ZIL / USD: Riding On Chainlink

Zilliqa Price Analysis ZIL / USD: Riding On Chainlink

THELOGICALINDIAN - Integrating Chainlink was a baby benefaction for Zilliqa

Fundamental Analysis

Zilliqa has acquired bullish drive afterwards the activity appear that it is planning to integrate Chainlink’s decentralized answer solution. This will accredit admission to real-time advice for Zilliqa’s acute affairs and aggrandize the functionality of its network. 

Zilliqa / USD Short-term amount analysis

Zilliqa has a bearish concise outlook, with the cryptocurrency still trading beneath its 200-period affective boilerplate on the four-hour time frame.

The four-hour time anatomy shows that admitting the contempo assemblage in the ZIL / USD pair, the amount still charcoal trapped aural a absorption block pattern.

Technical indicators beyond the four-hour time anatomy are bullish and abide to affair buy signals.

Pattern Watch

Traders should agenda that a bullish block blemish will acceptable alert an important analysis of the ZIL / USD pair’s 200-period affective average.

Relative Strength Index

The RSI indicator is bullish on the four-hour time frame, although it is starting to actual from overbought conditions.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator is bullish on the four-hour time anatomy and continues to accomplish a able buy signal.

Zilliqa / USD Medium-term amount analysis

Zilliqa has a bearish medium-term outlook, with the cryptocurrency still trading beneath key attrition on the circadian time frame.

The circadian time anatomy continues to appearance an invalidated astern arch and amateur pattern, with the contempo downside blemish yet to ability its bearish target.

Technical indicators on the circadian time anatomy are attempting to about-face bullish and are currently declining to accomplish a bright trading signal.

Pattern Watch

Traders should agenda that a block arrangement is additionally present on the circadian time frame.

Relative Strength Index

The Relative Strength indicator is ascent on the circadian time frame, although it still charcoal technically bearish.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator is ascent and is now starting to accomplish a buy arresting on the circadian time frame.


Despite the contempo upside move, Zilliqa still charcoal in a accessible position technically beyond the four-hour and circadian time frame.

The abolishment of the bullish arrangement on the circadian time anatomy suggests that the ZIL / USD brace has yet to acquisition a allusive amount floor.

Check out our bread adviser for Zilliqa for a abrupt overview.

We additionally appear a added overview of the activity in our Zilliqa DARE.