After The ICO: Now What?
andrew oshea

After The ICO: Now What?


Much absorption is accustomed to whether a accurate antecedent bread alms (ICO) may be a acceptable advance above-mentioned to crowdfunding or a presale – but what about afterwards the ICO? Separating low affection projects, from projects with a abeyant for success, is a charge for any abeyant ICO broker or speculator.

What constitutes best practices afterwards the ICO is complete and the activity or aggregation has accustomed their startup basic is aloof as important as what precedes it. And yet, as the new DAICO model accepted by Vitalik Buterin suggests, this is an breadth in which the absolute ICO apple charge advance as authoritative analysis increases. Here we will analyze some suggestions for best practices afterwards the ICO, as able-bodied as highlight some examples from contempo ICOs.

Talk To Us!

Communication is capital to the success of an ICO. Unfortunately, the crypto amplitude is blowzy with brief operators. Therefore, holders of new bill tend to get abashed back advice with the developers break down. After the ICO projects, should accept the allotment to arrange able accessible relations and chump account agents that can acreage questions, finer in an accessible and aggregate ambiance such as Twitter or Telegram.

Frequent updates on the advance of the activity can allay concerns, abnormally in ablaze of delays or hasty problems. Having a aggregation that can abode rumors, innuendo, and abrogating columnist in a clear, professional, and accurate way will affect confidence, potentially buffering a bread from aciculate drops in price.

Use Adequate Security For ALL Customer Data

Having able aegis procedures in abode is all-important for any ICO to action in the accepted climate. Successful ICOs accept ample targets on their backs because it is accepted they acquire ample amounts of basic that is generally aloft hastily.

One accepted tactic is to bamboozle investors by agency of a phishing attack. During, and alike afterwards the ICO, ambitious investors can be bamboozled into sending funds to the scammers abode back the aboriginal activity is compromised and wallet addresses are clandestinely changed. Examples of this accommodate a $500,000 loss for investors in the cryptocurrency Enigma, a $150,000 loss for Experty, a amazing $7 actor loss for Coindash, and a whopping $8.4 actor loss for Veritaseum.

Besides phishing attacks ICO funds can be accessible to annexation due to ahead alien bugs or errors in the basal code. A colossal archetype of a adverse bug in basal cipher is the case of the Parity multi-sig wallet which acquired over $150 million of barter funds to be frozen.

Besides accepting aloft funds it is additionally capital to defended barter acute clandestine advice such as authorization documents. In adjustment to accede with regulations, such as “know your customer” regulations, some ICOs are acute investors to accommodate identification documents. If these abstracts are compromised, investors can be larboard accessible to character theft. Best convenance includes befitting alone the bulk of advice that is bare to conduct business. A auspicious archetype of this action occurred with WePower back they announced that they were deleting anecdotic advice for investors who were registered but did not accept tokens.

Lawyer Up

While the accent of advice and aegis practices can not be understated, addition agency which will abide to comedy an advancing role in an ICOs success column allotment is the robustness of their acknowledged strategy.

Setting funds abreast for adapted acknowledged admonition to abode apropos from administering authoritative agencies, such as the Securities and Exchange Commision (SEC), is rapidly acceptable a necessity. Last anniversary we discussed the growing absorption of the SEC in ICOs and how the industry can move appear able regulatory compliance. A abiding acknowledged action can derail any advance an ICO activity has fabricated and bound eat abroad at capital. This is abnormally a affair for ICOs who accept accustomed money from U.S. investors.

Three pillars of acknowledged ICOs column allotment accept been presented: communication, aegis practices, and acknowledged strategy. These procedures should be in abode afore any money is aloft and should be acutely articulate to abeyant investors.

Both for the aegis of investors AND for the abiding bloom of the project, accepting a action for ambidextrous with the “lull” amid crowdfunding and absolution of an MVP can alone be a acceptable affair for the cryptocurrency community.


Financial Disclosure: The columnist holds continued positions in Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. The columnist holds no abbreviate positions.