Andreas Antonopoulos Deemed Unqualified to Testify in Silk Road Trial
armaan chandnani

Andreas Antonopoulos Deemed Unqualified to Testify in Silk Road Trial

THELOGICALINDIAN - The trials apropos the Silk Road are in abounding aftereffect as they allure added absorption from what was accepted Much advice on the trials can be begin throughout the websitethat accurately call some of the best important genitalia regardingthe cases People accept not shied abroad from commenting either as a acrimonious agitation forms apropos Ross Ulbrichts guiltiness

Interesting news from the advancing Silk Road balloon involving Ross Ulbricht was appear today as Andreas Antonopoulos was blocked from testifying as an able attestant by the judge, Katherine Forest. The absolute cloister certificate can be begin here. The aftermost branch of the fifth folio argues that Andreas is not able to be an able attestant in the balloon as he does not accept the appropriate ability in the areas he would accept to affirm on. This is causing abundant altercation as bodies altercate that Andreas Antonopoulos is able while others disagree. The accident is causing abuse in all amusing networks and understandably so.

While you apprehend the cloister affairs aggregate in the antecedent paragraph, there are a few misconceptionsCourt shared by the adjudicator that will agitation abounding bitcoin users as it did myself. The adjudicator aboveboard accused Antonopoulos in abounding occasions:

“Lacking additionally is any adumbration that Antonopolous has any ability in the areas in which he seeks to testify. His resume lists that he has formed as a adviser in crypto-currencies and appear bearding “articles” in that area.”

Many may not see this as ignorance, but I acquisition it alarming how the adjudicator states that Antonopoulos has accounting bearding “articles”. The adjudicator has the adventurousness to acknowledgment such a accountable after advertence the actuality that Andreas has accounting a book apropos bitcoin: “Mastering Bitcoin”. Whether the adjudicator alike did her analysis apropos Andreas Antonopoulos, we will never know, but I acquisition it absolutely apprenticed to say that a book is to be advised an bearding article.

However, it should be advised that the adjournment of Antonopoulos as a attestant is not incorrect as he was alleged to be a attestant aftermost minute by the defense. Court cases crave affirmation and attestant advice to be provided not weeks, but months afore the balloon begins. This was not the case by the aegis that leads me to accept that it may be a acumen for the adjournment of a witness. Reddit user 1point618 commented on said matter:

“You can’t alarm assemblage at the aftermost minute and debris to say what they’re activity to affirm about. Especially able witnesses. The cloister has told the aegis this assorted times and accustomed them added time to adapt statements on the witnesses, and they haven’t done it alike so. So the prosecution, whose case rests tomorrow, will accept no adventitious to acknowledge to the affidavit of these able witnesses.”

There are both abandon to the story, but it gets added absorbing back the Mastering-Bitcoindefense’s letter introducing Andreas Antonopoulos as a attestant was shared. It states the following:

“The letter indicates that “[i]ndependent aegis analysis has baldheaded that this cardinal Bitcoins transferred to a wallet on Ulbricht’s laptop] is doubtful ” 

I begin this absorbing to apprehend due to the accessible implications it could accept had in the trails. However, this was absolved due to the abridgement of affirmation to abutment that account in the defense’s letter. That is absurd as it ability accept accurate Ulbricht to be butterfingers of owning as abounding bitcoin as declared by the prosecution. We apperceive a lot about Andreas Antonopoulos, and we apperceive he can clue affairs to their core. The adjudicator did not anticipate the aforementioned way abounding others did.

The apprenticed accusations apropos Andreas Antonopoulos do not stop there though. The cloister certificate goes on to state:

“Antonopoulos will testify, it has not set alternating the bases, reasons, and sources with annihilation abutting to the requisite specificity—merely asserting that Antonopoulos will accommodate this assessment based on some bearding adjustment of allegory bazaar armament and liquidity, based on abstracts from bearding sources, does not suffice”

The chat ‘unspecified’ is abundantly abolished in this paragraph. There are few means of allegory bazaar armament and liquidity. If the adjudicator had anyone able of answer the amount to her, she would not accept acquainted the aforementioned way. Technical Analysis is accepted to all bitcoin traders, and the arduous benightedness of the cloister is astounding. Stating that a bitcoin able would accept adumbral methods of allegory a bazaar is amazing, yet, the cloister continues to accomplish accusations based on abridgement of ability apropos Andreas’ qualifications.

The cloister goes on to conclude:

“The Court will not admittance Antonopoulos to affirm in ablaze of aegis counsel’s amiss Rule 16 disclosures as to him, and because the Court cannot appropriately appraise his qualifications.”

Here, arises one of the best arguable credibility apropos the adjournment of Andreas Antonopoulos as aLinkedin witness. The cloister puts to questions Andreas Antonopoulos’ abilities to allege to the cloister apropos the case. Whether it would be in commendations to bitcoin itself or cybersecurity. The actuality is that Andreas Antonopoulos is one of the best able in the bitcoin industry. Here are some of the allegedly “unassessable” qualifications of Andreas Antonopoulos:

It should be advised that Andreas Antonopoulos appeared afore the Canadian Senate area he accomplished them apropos Bitcoin as a currency. Whether the United States is harsher back choosing witnesses for cloister rather than the Candian Senate, it is unknown. However, you cannot say that Andreas Antonopoulos is not able to allege in commendations to bitcoin or arrangement aegis for that matter.

We can accompaniment that Andreas Antonopoulos is able as a bitcoin able with abundant accomplishments to abutment this. However, the actuality charcoal that the case is apropos Silk Road, and the aegis bootless to accommodate abundant advice on Andreas’ accessible appearance. As reddit user YuriLR stated:

“I still accept no abstraction why aegis capital his testimony, this is not a balloon about bitcoin; bodies aloof charge to apperceive how it works at a basal level.”

This is an absorbing accommodation taken by Judge Forest and because what Andreas Antonopoulos could accept put into perspective; I am afraid with the decision. However, the accommodation has been made, amiss or right; we charge accede with it. Many bodies ability accept had this anticipation cantankerous their apperception but is the cloister authoritative a point to accomplish abiding Ross Ulbricht is begin guilty? It charcoal to be seen.

Did Judge Katherine Forest accomplish the actual accommodation absolution Andreas Antonopoulos? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Image Source: LinkedIn, Mastering Bitcoin, Court Case files