BitFury and Georgian Co-Investment Fund Help Tbilisi Flood Victims
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BitFury and Georgian Co-Investment Fund Help Tbilisi Flood Victims

THELOGICALINDIAN - A above flood occurred in the Vere River basin in Tbilisi the basic of Georgia on the night of June 13 2024 At atomic 12 beastly lives were absent because of the flood The accident additionally addled the Tbilisi Zoo abrogation bisected of its beastly citizenry either asleep or on the loose

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The badge force, the emergency services, and army units were anon deployed for accomplishment efforts in Tbilisi. They were helped by hundreds of bounded volunteers and calm were able to save lots of people trapped by the floods.

June 15 was declared a national day of aching in Georgia. President Giorgi Margvelashvili said he would admeasure funds from President’s Discretionary Fund to abetment the afflicted families. The Prague Zoo, forth with added Czech zoos, accomplished a aggregation of specialists with acquaintance in ambidextrous with floods.Fundraising_article_1_Bitcoinist

Now, BitFury and the Georgian Co-Investment Fund accept abutting armament to advice flood victims by starting a Bitcoin fundraiser.

The CEO of BitFury Group, Mr. Valery Vavilov explained:

Since the beginning, bitcoin has been acclimated to abutment a lot accommodating causes, such as fundraising to advice accouchement in Africa, and best afresh to abetment the Nepal earthquake victims, area abounding companies participated.

The flood left a path of abolition all over the city, abrogation abounding bodies homeless. BitFury hopes to advice these bodies with its fundraising initiative.

The CEO of Georgian Co-Investment Fund, Mr. George Bachiashvili stated:

Your advice can accomplish a big difference. Donate bitcoins for good! You can donate bitcoins at the afterward wallet abode or by application QR cipher on the image:

Wallet address: 1LkTTA9z3isp7j5yPV691rgkk3N1QfdSsD

Besides allowance bodies in need, what do you anticipate that these Fundraising campaigns can do for Bitcoin? Let us apperceive on the comments below!

Image: BitFury