Over 16 Million Americans Now Own Cryptocurrency, Survey Finds
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Over 16 Million Americans Now Own Cryptocurrency, Survey Finds

THELOGICALINDIAN - Nearly 163 actor Americans or 8 percent of the countryown some anatomy of cryptocurrency according to a new analysis by Findercom which additionally begin hardly added than 5 percent of Americans endemic Bitcoin If authentic the after-effects mark an access from a abstraction thePew Research Centerpublished in December 2024 that appear almost bisected of Americans had heard of Bitcoin but alone 1 percent had traded calm or acclimated it

The analysis asked the actual 92 percent of bodies why they hadn’t purchased cryptocurrency, award that 40 percent accept “there is no charge or they are disinterested” followed by 35 percent adage “it’s too aerial risk.”

Among the blow of respondents, 27 percent said “it’s too complicated to understand,” 18 percent said “it’s a scam,” 17 percent said “it’s a bubble,” 11 percent said “it’s too difficult to use” and 6 percent said “there are too abounding fees.”

Men were about three times as acceptable to authority cryptocurrency than women, with about 12 percent of men advertisement owning cryptocurrency compared to alone hardly added than 4 percent women.

The analysis added bankrupt bottomward respondents amid millennials, gen x and babyish boomers. Seventeen percent of millennials said they captivated cryptocurrency, authoritative them the bearing best acceptable to own it. But they were additionally the best acceptable to say “it’s too difficult to use” at 15 percent and “too complicated to understand” at 31 percent.

On the added hand, Gen X was the atomic acceptable to say cryptocurrency was too adamantine to use. Only 9 percent said “it’s too difficult to use” and about 26 percent adage “it’s too complicated to understand.”

The analysis additionally asked what cryptocurrencies bodies were advance in. Bitcoin topped the account at 5 percent followed by Ethereum at 2 percent and Bitcoin Cash at 0.90 percent. Among those who had the cryptocurrencies, respondents appear owning an boilerplate of $3,453 in Bitcoin, $1,243 in Ethereum and $636 in Bitcoin Cash.

Personal accounts website Finder.com commissioned the analysis on 2,001 American users of Pureprofile, a website area bodies voluntarily acknowledgment questionnaires for banknote and rewards.


It’s account acquainted that users of Pureprofile apperceive how to use the web able-bodied abundant to accomplish money. This can skew the survey’s allegation back the respondents don’t necessarily represent beneath tech-savvy Americans.

According to separate research published this ages by cryptocurrency lending platform Lendingblock, added than bisected of bodies accept cryptocurrency will be broadly accustomed in shops by 2025.

Lendingblock CEO Steve Swain said his company’s analysis shows “the accessible is abiding that cryptocurrency is actuality to stay.”

“Cryptocurrency is a crumbling market, and this is absolutely what we would apprehend to see accident at this time as we move from aboriginal adopters to added boilerplate acquaintance and use,” Swain said.

Another study by Nomura Instinet additionally appear this month, begin that 60 percent of the merchants application Square’s adaptable payments arrangement would acquire Bitcoin instead of cash. These merchants were vendors who becoming $100,000 or beneath in annual revenue.

“This aftereffect is surprising, abnormally amidst Bitcoin’s animated volatility,” said Nomura Instinet analyst Dan Doley.

What do you anticipate of the analysis results? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Dieter Holger/Bitcoinist, Shutterstock